Interview with Scott Jurek, Ultramarathon Legend and Author of Eat & Run
Only a very few athletes ever dominate their sport to such an extent that they’re considered legends in their own time.
Scott Jurek has done exactly that in the ultrarunning world. What’s even more inspiring is that he’s done it as a vegan. And the title of his new book, Eat & Run, should tell you he considers his diet to be a big reason for his success.
For many of us, Scott is the person we point to when someone skeptically asks, “Yeah, but can athletes really eat a plant-based diet and still be competitive?” And so we’ve been waiting a long time for this, for Scott to share his incredibly inspiring story, his advice on running, and his favorite plant-based recipes for endurance athletes.
In Eat & Run (out today, June 5th!), he’s done all three. Eat & Run is worth every minute of the wait. As I tell Scott in our interview below, it’s the first time since Born to Run (where Scott is prominently featured) when I’ve felt the overwhelming urge to stop reading and just run — and yet I can’t stop myself from turning the page to see what’s next!
Add to that over 20 recipes that Scott has developed, not just for running but for meals and snacks as well, and you’ve got a book that’s not to be missed. (I’ve already tried the Long Run Pizza Bread, Smoky Chipotle Refried Beans, and Apple-Cinnamon Granola, and they’re great. They pass even the most rigorous of tests; my two-year old likes them.)
I had the pleasure of talking to Scott last week about Eat & Run and many of the things I learned from it, like why he says anyone can run an ultramarathon, what he believes is responsible for his dominance in the sport, his approach to spreading the message of veganism, why he’s not against soy and oil (as is so fashionable these days), and what’s next for him. Oh yeah, and a little bit of Zen.
Check out our interview here (26:04):
You can listen to our interview using the player above, or download it with this link (you may need to right-click and “Save Link As”).
Other links:
- Learn more about Eat & Run and view photos and the book trailer on Scott’s website
- Eat & Run on Amazon (affiliate link)
- Listen to Scott’s previous No Meat Athlete interview
Thanks so much to Scott for taking the time to talk to us, some of his biggest fans, and for an amazing book. Seriously, check it out. It does not disappoint.
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I love Scott Jurek and have been waiting for his book to come out, I see it’s just been released! Ordering it now! Thanks for the sweet interview!
Yay! Thanks for the interview Matt and Scott! I have been itching for this book to be released! Can’t wait to get started with it!
This just made a bad commute home SO much better! Matt, you and Scott have been 2 of the most influential famous runners to inspire my conversion to plant based eating! I love how you both echo a very “lead by example” approach. And after all that Scott’s accomplished, I’m so impressed that he’s still setting some incredible goals. Digging into the book tonight!
great interview!! thanks for sharing!
Great interview, thanks Matt & Scott! So excited to read this book…have been waiting not-so-patiently for it to come out and will start it tonight.
I would think that becoming a Ultra Marathoner would require the weekly resources of a qualified Kinesiologist, Chiropractor sport massage therapist – what do you think?
This would cost a lot of money.
Matt, thank you for taking the time to make this audio interview happy – remarkable work my friend.
@akaTGIF on Twitter
Thanks for the interview Matt. Great to hear other athletes view on their sport. Getting the book for sure.
What a great interview: Scott’s attitude, ability, humility, and generosity are so motivating and inspiring. He’s living proof that no-meat athletes can perform as well — or better! — than our omnivorous counterparts.
Fantastic questions, Matt, and thanks for the conversation!
Really enjoyed that interview! Thanks Matt and Scott! I always need the encouragement and motivation to keep going strong. Matt, I would like to let you know that I have been proudly running in my NoMeat T-shirt out here in Vietnam. We are here for a year with my job. It has been very challenging to run with the poor air quality out here (we live in Hanoi), but the fruits and veggies are cheap and numerous!, so staying carbed up has been pretty easy. Being a Vegan is a very strange concept to the locals out here, but I have found it very easy to eat this way. There is fruit and veggies literally everywhere. Just wanted to let you know that you are being read in Hanoi, Vietnam, and I will be taking my NoMeat Shirt to represent at the Phu Quoc Marathon next week. Take care!
I am almost done reading this book and I am inspired!
I have been dabbling with going Vegan….My husband was diagnosed with Pre Diabetes so I bought him a book by Dr Barnard talking about eliminating Diabetes through a vegan diet. I also watched Forks over Knives. So I have mostly changed my diet, but I thinking I will take the plunge. I am a runner. My furthest race has been a 10K and my furthest distance ever running is 10 miles. I am inspired and motivated to quit meat completely and start working toward a marathon. Great web site by the way!
Glad you were able to get that interview, it was really interesting! I’ve never really considered going vegan , but I’m entertaining a vegetarian diet.
Great work Matt! (and yes, I got the book as soon as it arrived to Italy and read it in two sittings! It is this great.)
[…] Matt Frazier has been running marathons, including the Boston Marathon, and opened his site in 2009 when he first became vegetarian. He is now fully vegan. He claims that his plant-based diet has made him a better runner, with faster recovery times after workouts, more energy, and a better life. His stories and information is really motivating, and he often links to many more reputable sources for information, and he interviews many vegans, including vegan ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek. […]
Great interview!
I picked up the book this morning and I’m super excited to dive in. Scott has an amazing story which I can’t wait to learn more about.