How I Make Almond Butter, Juices, and Smoothies (and Your Chance to Win a Blendtec High-Speed Blender)
“$475 for a blender? Does it do the dishes, too?”
When my wife first started pushing for us to get a high-powered blender, I just didn’t see how any blender could justify that kind of price (even if it could blend a golf ball).
But when I asked a few readers of this site what they thought of theirs, I was shocked when the responses ranged from “best investment you’ll ever make” to “I can’t believe you’re so into health food and don’t own one!”
So, I caved. In what just might be our least romantic Christmas ever, my wife and I bought a Blendtec Total Blender as our gift to each other, as a sign of our undying love and commitment to blending excellence.
Well, it turns out that it doesn’t do the dishes (although it does clean itself pretty well). But it does pretty much everything else… juice, smoothies, nut butter, nut milk, dough, ice cream, dips, sauces, even hot soup.
To demonstrate, I put together some videos to show you just a few of the basic things it does.
The ‘Whole Juice’ function
For the most part, traditional juicing is a pain in the ass. It’s expensive, since much of the fruit or vegetables you use gets discarded as pulp (or compost). And cleaning is generally a disaster.
Enter the Blendtec. Instead of separating juice from pulp, the Blendtec uses 1560 watts of power and 28,000 RPM’s to break down the entire fruit or vegetable into a thick-ish liquid. (The claim is that it breaks down the food at the cellular level, making it easier to digest and assimilate… no idea how true this is, but it’s a nice thought.)
The “Whole Juice” function is one of my favorite features. I like being able to make a quick fruit drink before or after a workout, or even after dinner when I’m craving something sweet.
Here’s a video of the “Whole Juice” function in action, when I made a quick post-workout drink yesterday. (Notice how you can put the entire strawberry in, green part and all, so there’s no prep here.)
If you’re reading in your inbox, click here to watch the video.
The “Smoothie” function
Okay, so a smoothie seems like a pretty basic task for a blender, but since we drink smoothies in my house almost every single morning, I figured it was worth a video.
While you’d expect that any decent blender could handle a simple smoothie, I’ve actually been really frustrated by previous blenders I’ve owned that leave big ice chunks, or worse, develop air pockets where the blade spins but nothing gets blended. The Blendtec smoothie function isn’t perfect — you’ll see a few big chunks of frozen strawberry in the video — but a few extra pulses always takes care of them.
Alright, so here’s the video of me making my everyday smoothie. In this video, I also show you how easy it is to clean the jar with just a few pulses of some soap and water.
Warning: You can tell from my extreme enthusiasm, wide-open eyes, and well-kempt hair that I made this video very early in the morning. My sincere apologies.
If you’re reading in your inbox, click here to watch the video.
And here’s the promised smoothie recipe. The protein I’m using here is Love and Peas powder that Heather from BlendHappy sent me to try out.
Homemade raw almond butter
And one more video… something you absolutely can’t do with a normal blender. Since I went vegan, I’ve been eating a ton more almond butter, mainly as a way to get more calories, in the form of protein and healthy fat. And by making it myself, I figure I’m getting it at just slightly over half the cost of buying it, plus getting the benefits of using raw almonds instead of roasted.
Here’s how you do it:
If you’re reading in your inbox, click here to watch the video.
All the other stuff…
The Blendtec can do a whole lot more than this — the recipe book that comes with it includes over 300 recipes! But to be honest, the three things above are what I primarily use mine for, in addition to occasionally grinding oats, flaxseed, and other things like that.
I’ve tried making hot soup in it a few times — the blade spins so fast that the friction it creates with the liquid actually heats the soup — but it never seems to get quite hot enough to be really good. (Although, if you’re a raw food person, this moderate-warm temperature might be just what you’re looking for.)
And there are a few other times I’ve used it to make dinner in about five minutes. You can throw in a few ingredients to get a nice, fresh pasta sauce, for example, and I like doing that. But someone who doesn’t really enjoy spending time in the kitchen would get a lot more use out of the Blendtec’s ability to make quick food than I do.
Although the Blendtec is advertised as being able to replace many other kitchen appliances, I still use my food processor for most cooking tasks. There are two main reasons for this:
- The blade sits fairly high, so if I’m just making a small quantity of something like pesto (say, the amount to be tossed with four servings of pasta), it ends up largely untouched below the blade, or thrown onto the sides of the jar.
- It’s really hard to coarsely chop something. One quick pulse will destroy a tomato, so it’s not easy to get the right consistency for a chunky sauce or salsa.
Those are about my only complaints. I’ve been extremely happy with my Blendtec, and if you’re the type that will actually use it to make nut butter, dough, nut milk, and whatever else, I’m sure you will be too.
(Note: I paid full price for this blender, but I’m now an affiliate for the product because I like it so much.)
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I have to admit….the Blue Margarita sounds pretty fantastic to make (What can I say-living in Austin makes you love tequila!).
On a healthier note, I love the idea of fresh juices. A juicer is just not in the budget (well, nothing except gas for my car is really in the budget lately) but this is like the best of all worlds!
Oh gosh, Blendtec blenders are fantastic! A friend of mine has one and it always amazes me to see the smoothie function in action. I’d love one of mine own for speedy smoothies at my house! (and I’m intrigued by the nut butter option…I never thought it could be done in a blender!)
I reeeaaaaaallly want to be able to make my own nut butters. I love almond butter & would love to be able to experiment with flavors like chocolate & pumpkin. I also love to make creamy vegan soups which you need a good blender for. Pick me, pick me!
I’m pretty sure I’d make just about anything with this beauty! But from their recipes I’d definitely try their South of the Border Salsa and the Giant Green Veggie Juice!
What a fantastic giveaway, thank you so much for the opportunity.
(I’m also sharing on Facebook)
Nut butters! Smoothies! Hummus! Popsicles! (Well, before they get frozen, of course.) Bean burgers! (Again, not to their completion.)
I would love one of these! I’ve been making smoothies in my food processor because my blender just doesn’t cut it. I also really like that you can make whole fruit juices – my juicer never gets used because it wastes so much of the fruit/veggie.
Nice. I’d definitely retire the blender my parents bought in the 80s and passed down to me……
Oh, this looks fantastic! I’d definitely use mine to mix my Shakeology shakes with various ingredients (and big ice cubes). I’m sure my wife would love to use it for a variety of dishes, and I know it’s WAY better than the junky old blender we have now.
Thanks for sharing this, Matt!
I’m going to throw in the following and make my own “will it blend” videos
– reggaeton CDs
– Jar Jar binks action figures
– conspiracy theory DVDs from my wacko fringe friends
– oh and maybe bananas and strawberries and peanut butter and what not 😉
I would use it to make my Green Monsters with every morning! The blender I have now I have to stop 5+ times because it gets stuck or I have to scrape down the sides or something.
I wouldn’t mine being able to grind my own flours and nut butters either.
Would love to try making frozen fruit sorbet!
Oh man, I would LOVE one of these! I would make so much almond milk. Just a ridiculous amount of almond milk. And then put the almond milk in smoothies!
Although I’m a little concerned about the hazmat-gear-clad guy drinking a smoothie on their site, I can still see how Blendtec’s super-powered blender would help with my nut-butter production. We make almond, walnut, spiced cashew and other nut butters frequently in a dinky Cuisinart processor currently. This beast looks far better.
I think they call that a lab coat. It’s what all the hip scientists are wearing these days.
i’d use it to make coconut datorade! dates blended with coconut water. creamy, sweet and delicious.
Wow, this sounds awesome…I’m trying that TODAY!
Wow! That does sound wonderful . I would toss in some raw coconut, maca and/or cacao. Thanks, k.
I would make hella agua frescas with that blender
Smoothies are an obvious. But I’d be really excited to try it with some various pasta sauces.
If I had an awesome blender with this I would try to use it to get more veggies in – maybe soups! I always get enough fruits (yum!) but struggle to get all my vegetables. Plus I’m a college student 😉
Juicing would be the first thing I would do, but I saw they had a whole dessert section which I would love to try too. And make some bread . . .
I’ve been using a hurting Magic Bullet for over two years now to make smoothies so I need a replacement! I also would love to make almond, peanut butters, etc. I was tempted to buy a juicer too, but the cleanup sounds terrible so I would definitely use this for making juice!
I have been dying for one of these! I make either a smoothie or a juice just about everyday, plus almond butter once a week. My husband just doesn’t understand how complete a Blendtec would make me!
Since my blender found it’s new home in the trash when I broke it a couple weeks ago, I would use this one to make…well, a lot! Homemade almond butter would be awesome though!
I LOVE the idea of making homemade almond butter! I’ve never even thought to do that before but if I won this I guarantee that would be one of the first things I did.
Have been looking for a blender / juicer like this for years. Too many juicers take out all the good pulp – I like this one that pulverizes the pulp so you can drink it. So that’s the obvious thing I would do – make wonderful fruit and veggie smoothies so I could drink my meals. The second thing I would use it for is to make food for dogs with problem teeth. I rescue dogs that have been starved and eat rocks etc. so their teeth are worn down. Could make great nutritious meals for them too. And if I don’t win, I might just buy one anyways!
I would love to make nut butter – cheaper & more delicious to make at home. Thanks for the giveaway
I would LOVE to try to make nut butters. Especially almond butter
I’d make maple almond-butter. Mmmmm!
I just drooled into my keyboard.
I’ve been dying to get a Blendtec for a year now, ever since my Mom got one and started making us delicious green smoothies. Now that I’ve moved to attend school in Colorado (several states away from my Mom’s Blendtec!), I’ve had withdrawls. I would use the Blendtec to make green smoothies (of course!) and bread, because bread is expensive yet crazy delicious. I would make the Southern Corn Bread recipe in particular (vegan-ized, of course) because I loooove corn bread and black bean soup.
Thanks for sharing! I especially like the info on cleaning it. Right now I clean the old blender I’ve been using with a wet, soapy dish towel. This is much easier!
Oooh! Me likey! I’d be rocking green monsters and banana soft serve like there is no tomorrow!
I want one of these! cool!
As another smoothie-a-day person out there, I’d love to whip up new smoothie recipes. I also would make soups! I bet this thing is way better than my underpowered immersion blender. A tortilla soup sounds tasty, with extra jalapenos…
I would love to win this blender!!!
My old, used daily, blender is on it’s last leg.
I would use it for my green smoothies for breakfast, nut butters, hummus the list could be endless.
I think the better question is what would I NOT do with this thing??? I would NOT blend a golf ball or anything else inedible. But I’d pretty much blend anything else. I would love to get my hands on one of these bad boys. I’d juice, smoothify, you name it. I’d even like to think down the road that it would become a baby food maker 🙂 Pick me! pick me!!! 🙂
I’m terrified to try and make a homemade nut butter in my food processor or blender. If I had this blender, I’d work up the courage to try and make cashew butter at home!
A friend recently told me how she made watermelon margaritas with watermelon from the farm share that we both get. Unfortunately, I don’t own a blender, so I haven’t made them. Should I win this blender, however, I think fresh watermelon margaritas would be a perfect inaugural use. Especially in this heat wave!
Soy mango soft serve with homemade almond butter on top!!!
I will definitely be making almond butter!
I have been mesmerized by BlendTec for years and years… pretty much since I watched them blend a hockey puck the first time. And while it would be tempting to blend something like that, it would probably not make me too keen on using it for edible items in the future. I’ve ruined two food processors trying to make my own nut butter, so that would probably be my first attempt, but the juice sounds really intriguing too. We have a juice and honestly I just find it too much of a bother to use!
I know I’ll be one of tons on this, but I really, really, really, really hope to win this blender. It would totally make my day/week/month/year! (And shout out to BlendTec for being a Utah company! I grew up in Utah and I think my uncle worked for BlendTec when I was younger. If only I had known, I could have begged for him to secure one for me. Just what every 14-year-old girl dreams of!)
I’ve rambled enough… just got overly excited at the thought of having my own! 🙂
Smoothies. I spend the summers picking fruit at the orchard and saving it all up so when its grey and cold outside, i can make a fresh summer smoothie.
I would love this thing! It would be great for making Shakeology shakes in the morning, and maybe some smoothies for other times of the day! I love Blendtec’s Will it Blend videos 😀
Signed up for their recipes- would love to make smoothies and soup (my specialty!) in it. Pick me, pick me please!
I would love to win one of these! I’ve almost given up smoothies because it takes my Osterizer so long to do the job and that’s with lots of pushing on my part!
I’d love to have a Blendtec to make a daily Green Smoothie that I read about. A high powered blender sounds like it would really improve a vegans kitchen. It seems like it can do just about anything, smoothies, butters, yummy adult beverages, quick hot soups, etc. Really an amazing piece of equipment.
Matt, thanks for the review and the contest. Fun!
I currently limp along with other blending/juicing options. A Blendtec Total Blender would revolutionize my home-based diet [read: less trips to the store/cafe]. From Vega-based recipes to nut butters and everything in-between, I’d use this machine multiple times a day (full disclose: I’d also use it to make the Blue Margarita recipe on their site). The power and simplicity would also help get my wife into the act. I’ve always coveted the Vitamix 5200 but now…
WOW this is so awesome! I have just begun getting into making smoothies almost every day in the spirit of summer and my cuisinart blender is okay, but nothing ever really gets blended totally. I don’t even wanna talk about the time I tried to make almond butter in it. If I got this blender I would use it every day without a doubt. I love making smoothies for my family and friends because they are delicious and encourage healthier eating habits. I love smoothies because I usually don’t have time for cooking meals, but if I just throw ingredients in a blender, the cleanup is easy and I have a nutritious drink that acts as a great meal or snack any time of day. I love the countdown because its always a trial and error for me, and all the functions. It would be a definite step up from “high” “low” and “ice crush” buttons.
I would make nut butters up to my hoo-haa! My blender can’t even handle smoothies or ice and my food processor overheats after 30 seconds. Blendtec and I would both get a workout…
That looks AWESOME! My current blender is really, really bad, and can barely handle a few pieces of frozen fruit no matter how much liquid I put!
Oh, the things I could make (without driving my husband crazy while I’m blending for 10 minutes/smoothie) : banana soft-serve, post-workout green monsters, nut butters and so, so much more!!!
What a fantastic tool! For sure I would make smoothies with a lot greens and fruits. Nut butter and soy milk shakes are a great option, too but my favorite is for sure the Oreo shake.
I’d make lots of post-run smoothies and cold soups. So yummy during the summer!
This looks amazing! I would make smoothies, juices, and soups in this if I won one. My blender has so much trouble with ice it would be fantastic to have a high power machine like the Blendtec!!!
Since my current blender is starting to make funny smells and noises, I’m thinking I could use a new Blendtec blender to do pretty much anything. But almond butter sounds amazing.
I would LOVE one of these!! I would make tons and tons of almond butter!!
I would love to make my own nut butters with the help of a new blender. Dark Chocolate peanut butter..yum.
And I am a juice/smoothie fanatic. I love coming up with my own new recipes!!
Looks delicious! I would definitely make some green monsters with this!
I’d make smoothies using the perfect smoothie formula!!! My current blender just can’t keep up!
I would finally be able to make Banana Softserve! My current blender just doesn’t cut it : ( And almond milk without the added sugar!
I’d juice, smoothie, blend and butter the sh*t out of every fruit, vegetable and nut that crosses my way.
I’d never have to chew my food again (which could turn out to be useful, since I need to get rid of 3 wisdom teeth…)
I have recently started exploring raw food, and I am excited about making different nut butters. My piddly little $25 blender just couldn’t handle it 🙂
Oooh, I would LOVE to win one of these! I think I’d use it mostly for smoothies. We always seem to have leftover fruit and veggies from the farm box and smoothies would be a great way to use those up.
Oooh definitely would be making way more smoothies, as well as Honey Maple Nut Butter sounds delicious.
Oh, wow! It’s hard to pick, but I’d be most excited about trying the whole juices first. They had a recipe on the site with cantaloupe in it that sounds fantastic!
I have been eyeing a high power blender up for a while, but still trying to convince my hubby why it is necessary 🙂 He is a meat and potatoes guy so doesn’t quite get it yet…but I am still working on him. I would absolutely love to make my own chunky nut butters – the only chunky almond butter I can find is at Whole Foods which is a bit of a drive for me and I LOVE ALL NUT BUTTERS!
ohh wow, I have been looking at these forever we got a cheapy when we got married and I would love to be able to make nut butters, or milk, and they even have a part for flour. Would love to try that out. Thanks so much for this giveaway.
I love the idea of the Whole Juice function. There are so many nutrients in the parts of fruits and vegetables we typically discard. That said, I love making spreads and would love to explore various raw spreads. Being able to puree nuts for this would be terrific.
I would play around with making new flavors of nut butters! toffee almond fudge… mmm 🙂
I can’t believe you could make a smoothie without adding liquid! I would be making smoothies and nut butters very often in the Blendtec. Ok, and maybe the odd margarita… 😉
I’m most excited about getting a Blendtec so that I can make nut butters, so I’m glad you posted a video on that. It looks really simple.
I already have a high powered blender, so I would use this as an awesome Christmas gift! 🙂
I think my daughter would love the snow cone recipe I saw in the recipe section.
I would make smoothies with ice! My current blender is incapable of grinding up ice and is fairly useless all around.
I want it!!! I think the question should be “what wouldn’t I do with it?” pick me!
This would be great for me. I just lost my teaching job and am working in an office now, but my pay has been reduced.
This blender has been on my “want” list for some time since I’ve recently decided to transition to vegan and am following the Eat To Live program in conjunction with the Reboot your life program.
I’ve been juicing for breakfast and lunch and like you, am distraught at the amount of useless waste that I am producing (compost heaps + apartment dwelling = not allowed). The nut butters would also be awesome to create as well since I’m now supporting my local farmer’s markets (which, btw, is MUCH cheaper) and am buying raw almonds in abundance.
Thanks so much!
I would love to have it to make green smoothies with every morning. The blender we have now just isn’t cutting it anymore. I’d also like to give the almond butter and milk a try too.
Looks amazing! Making green smoothies would be effortless.
YAY! I would make green smoothies. I try to now with the one I have and they end up a bit…. hmmmm….. “chewier” than I would like. 🙂
I’d love to get into making my own nut butter too. How awesome would that be? Totally!
Thanks for your site. I’m in the process of transitioning away from animal products as food and have found this site to be so helpful!
I’d love to be able to make a smoothie without fighting with the blender!
I’m pretty sure I would make coconut butter first. That was a fail in a normal blender (still tasty, but not fully blended).
Next, my boyfriend would begin a “will it blend” saga. I fear the day…
I would love to win a blender like that! A blender is my most used appliance in the kitchen because I make spice powders, smoothies, juices, sauces, etc. in them. I am from India and we use the blenders a lot! 🙂
Oh my. I would LOVE one of these. I already make smoothies several times a week, but my current blender is a bit of a clunker. I’d totally be making frozen banana sorbet like, every day. And the nut butters!
I think this blender is awesome. I don’t own one, but would like too. I’ll probably blend a ton of smoothies
My knock-off Magic Bullet is one of my most-used appliances in my kitchen, and also one of my junkiest! It sprays out all over the counter and makes a big mess when I use it (daily). I would LOVE a Blendtec to try out some new breakfast ideas, and also to make the daily recovery shakes that my poor piece-o-junk current thing can’t handle.
I want this sooo bad. My current blender is horrible.
I would make everything in it! I’ve wanted one for so long! My old blender broke & I’ve been using.. oh no, wait for it… the bullet which doesn’t even crush ice so my smoothies are awful. I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to get a Blendtec so hopefully this will be it!
I’ve been reaping the rewards of owning a Blendtec for over the year and would love to win one so I can share the love with a friend interested in adopting a healthier lifestyle.
I would definitely make guacamole first. Then maybe one of my favorite vegan mac & cheeze recipes.
Holy heavenly blender batman! At first I would probably thrown random things in there just to see what it does…then eventually make some almond butter.
I would use it to make Protein shakes and smoothies. I would also love to learn how to make Almond Butter.
After recently having my daughter, I’ve had little time to look after me. So I’ve decided to train for a marathon and have become vegan. I’d use tjis blender to make my green smoothies even my daughter will drink!!
Thank you for the opportunity! 🙂
Honestly, I’d probably use it most for making smoothies. It’s be fun to try making some peanut butter, too!
Make pesto! I’ve never made it before, but I love it! That or make proper hummus. My last hummus using the food processor wasn’t as creamy. That blender would make it properly.
Ooooohhhh. Hummus. I’ve had the same problem with hummus sometimes coming out gritty. Great idea.
I bet this would make for a great felafel as well. Of course, too much blending and you end up with hummus again!
I’m always so jealous when I read blogs where people make their own juices. My poor little blender just can’t handle something that fancy. I would love to be able to make my own juices!
Definitely next on my list of kitchen purchases! I’ve wanted one for years, and especially now that I am basing my meals on the Thrive book!
I would use this to make smoothies. My kids love them and it’s one of the ways to get a lot of fruits in them!
I’d make a green smoothie every single morning. I promise I would. And, I’d be super healthy because of it. Really. 🙂
Soup!!!!!! And nut butter would be pretty awesome too.
I’d make lots of smoothies, for sure!
I make green smoothies all the time for me and my parents to help them boost their daily intake of veggies/fruits. My mom is anemic and this is the simplest way to get all the necessary vitamins. She loves it when she gets home to see a fresh smoothie ready to drink that I make.
My dad also loves them as well! I would make more smoothies as well as more spreads/soups without any preservatives or additives that most canned foods have. Also my niece was just born last month so I can make fresh baby food for her to enjoy. I practically use my ho-hum blender every day and this blendtec would make my life and my parents lives a bit easier!
I would use the blendtec to make my morning smoothies, recovery shakes, and energy bars!
And maybe to pulverize an old cellphone.
I was just telling my husband the other day, that for the next special occasion, I wanted a blender just like this, instead of diamonds. LOL! Not very romantic, but let me tell you how excited I would be!
I would love to then make him some “shave ice” just like we had on Maui ( There’s no way our current blender could do this. He would be so excited. And not to mention making my own raw nut butters!!! WOO HOO!
I’ve been wanting a high-powered blender for awhile – especially after trying to make smoothies (with greens) in my minimally-powered one (chunky disaster).
I would love this to make my Vega smoothies every morning and to make almond butter that I eat w apples almost every day!
This looks awesome! I’m vegan and have lately been really into green smoothies. Kale is the toughest thing to get blended down so that its a “smoothie” and not a “chewy” I think this would do the trick!
ooooooo! I’ve wanted one of these for awhile now. I would definitely use mine to make peanut butter banana “ice cream” (just frozen bananas, peanut butter and honey . . . it’s amazing). I used to make this simple, healthy treat all the time but I’ve now burned up two (rather expensive) blenders and my husband has put me on restriction from blender buying. Apparently the frozen bananas are hard for most blenders to puree! I would also love to grind my own flaxseed and give nut butters a shot!
I want to make soup for every meal for the rest of my life.
Even though what I really want to do with it is play ‘will it blend?’ over and over, the website says not to, so I will go with making crazy amounts of delicious smoothies. I may also blend an entire pizza, just for kicks.
I would love one of these! I would use it for my morning protein shakes. The cheap blender I use now barely chops up my blueberries so I always have chunks if blue stuck in my teeth which is really embarrassing in the corporate world I work in!
I’d blend up my little single bottle blender. That’s what I would do if I had a BlendTec.
This blender would effectively change the lives of my family and me the moment we took it out of the box.
We currently have your garden variety, box-store type blender for our attempts at smoothies in the morning, and while it works okay for that, there are points of frustration for us, similar to yours. With a Blendtec, smoothies would only be the tip of the iceberg. We’d love to make almond butter for our kids at home…they might even like watching us make it almost as much as the like watching nut-grinding machine at Whole Foods!
Great videos and a great review. I love the idea of making nut butters. We live in hazelnut country, and I’d love to experiment with make some hazelnut butter.
In addition, the ease of cleanup would make me more likely to use it regularly. I’d do a post-run smoothie every time, except that my current blender is a pain to clean.
Again, thanks for this. You do some of the best product reviews out there!
As a gluten free vegetarian college student I’m pretty addicted to my magic bullet blender which I use to make green smoothies with vega protien powder every morning. I’ve been itching to get a blender like the blend-tec, though, to make smoothies in larger batches and blend grains for gf bread. The Rice flour gingerbread would definitely be high on my list of things to try, as well as the tabouli smoothie! I also want to make my own almond butter!
i would love to have a new, rugged blender so i can make delicious vega smoothies and make my own raw almond butter considering its so expensive in stores it’d be so much more cost effective to make my own.
What would I do with a Total Blender? First I think I would make a delicious, tasteful, and Healthy smoothie to start up my day and my family’s day as well. I have a 2 year old daughter and I would love for her to eat better and have healthier food choices. We currently do not have a blender so this would be a blessing for us, especially a really great blender. My husband is an Ultra Runner who need to eat more nutritious to keep his energy level going. Homemade sauces,juice drinks, pretty much anything would help us in the sense of being healthier. Health is a big issue for me, yet it’s something I take foregranted due to the long amount of time it takes to prepare. Our family is vegetarian and I find it hard for us to get all of our nutrients. The Total Blender for me would be so so useful and helpful in the kitchen and for our diets and not to mention convenient. I find myself trying to find ways to get things done quicker having a 2 year old. Thank you so much for this opportunity! And, thank you for taking your time to read my response!
I would love to win this! But not just for me and my family. Our 3 year old recently discovered how fun it is to help make smoothies for breakfast. Now she tells me what is suppose to go in there!
I would use it to make hummus, which my blender does poorly, and frozen banana soft serve. Also, kale smoothies, which tend to come out sort of repulsive in my blender.
I’d use it to make sunflower seed butter. I currently have a small food processor so I have to make it in small batches, but with ths I vould make a big batchh all at once.
Oh wow, this thing looks amazing! Whole juices are a really nice idea, I’d like to give those a try. Looking through the recipe section of the site, the spinach ice cream sounded like a really cool treat! Sno-cones also (hey, it’s almost 100 degrees here today!)
This would be such a big help with my daily smoothie addiction! Just starting to get into making sorbets at home, so it would be really cool to try out some of the different things you can do with the blender
I would use it to make my daily smoothies, my weekly summer pesto, my summer gazpacho, etc!
I would make smoothies, sauces and schmears, oh my!
This blender looks really awesome! I enjoy the fact that you just push one button for whatever you want and it goes ahead and blends it the correct time length for you! I’m forever pulsing my smoothies because they’re not finished enough or whatever.
I like the ice cream/sorbet recipes they have on their website!
I would use it to make “whole” juice, I use a standard juicer now but would like to actually eat all the pulp I inevitably compost.
No prep smoothies?
Duh, I want one. Making ice cream, major bonus.
Pesto, Sunflower butter, Hummus, garlic paste, vegan bannana Ice Cream, green juices….MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm
I think I would make green smoothies &/or some whole juice with mine! 🙂
I would make most things I eat with this! I am a ice cream junkie, which I am trying to constantly come up with new ways to make this a healthy thing. Fruit sorbet here I come! As well as nut butters and milks that I am obsessed with.
I cook a lot for one and leave the rest for my husband when he comes home from work. I am constantly cooking new things for him to try. I am a nutritionist and a cook by hobby and my favorite thing to do is come up with new recipies and try to make everything as natural as possible!
I would looooove this blender 🙂
I would make green smoothies for after my runs. I would definitely not put Bic lighters in it!!
What wouldnt i make with the blender?! To start I’d give my food processor a much needed break from making energy bars and then move on to soups and smoothies! I’ve been eyeing this blender for quite some time but haven’t been able to finance it. I hope you pull my name 😀
I would use my Blendtec to make nut butters (almond and walnut are my favorites!), and also to make homemade green juice. I would love something that is a juicer-blender-all-around-amazing piece of kitchen equipment!
Wow…with this wizardlike contraption I would be stoked to finally perfect vegan pesto, make fresh watermelon smoothies with mint and dessert hummus (summer’s perfect dessert).
Smoothies to keep me and my family running healthy. Soups, salad dressings, morning pancake batter! That’s what I’ll do…
I would totally make some nut butters. Maybe something chocolatey. My blender and itty bitty food processor can’t handle nuts and my butters always end up being pastes 😐
I would make smoothies and also use it to make homemade pizza sauce. I would probably use it to puree my soups.
I’m currently using my mom’s old Sears blender. Yes, you read it right. Sears. This is from the pre-Kenmore days!! It’s sooo old! It still works good, but the glass jar has become cloudy and it is rather outdated looking. So I am in desperate need of a new blender/smoothie maker! I make smoothies every morning, as well as making healthy protein drinks before running and/or exercise. I would most definitely use it every day!
What would I do with a Blendtec??
Hello!!!!….The mere fact that I would have smoothies whith out big chunks of fruit and pieces of Kale that my lovely ‘Magic Bullet’ offers me every morning, I might just marry the thing.
Making Nut Butter….and grinding my own flour are the second things I would try, but to be honest, smoothies are a part of my daily diet at least once, if not more, so this thing would be a dream come true.
I think I would take a few days off work even, just to play Jamba Juice worker in my kitchen 🙂
I’d be all over making some almond milk so I know it’d be healthy, organic, and made of awesomeness…and they said ice cream. I might gain more weight than I’d lose with this little health sucker.
No more bits of spinach in my green power smoothies! This blender would take care of that. Moreover, homemade almond butter! I hope I win!
Hands down, I would use this blender primarily for making protein smoothies and homemade tomato sauce. Please pick me! My husband (and his tummy) would be eternally grateful!
I already have a smoothie everyday for breakfast but let me tell you that my blender is anything but top notch. With this blender not only would I be able to enhance my breakfast, I would make tons of my favorite foods including humus and nut butter.
Give this blender to me and you won’t regret it. Or at least I sure won’t! 🙂
If I had a blendtec, I would make my own raw protein bars for long-distance training. I have been vegan for 7 years, and have really started embracing raw food in the last year and a half. It would be incredible to be able to make my own bars and other foods to fuel long workouts. 🙂
What an awesome giveaway! If I won, I’d immediately make Mama Pea’s Mmmm Sauce (x4), and would then make some vegan ice cream (perhaps with almond milk that I’d also make using the Blendtec!!? oh man that’d be almost too much fun).
I’m a vegetarian (trying to go vegan). Right now I’m using a hand-me-down 30 yr old blender my parents got as their wedding gift! I use it often. I just can’t afford to buy a new QUALITY powerful blender right now. I’d do anything for a Blendtec. I’ve seen their videos, and I’ve wanted one for awhile. The smoothies I could make with a fancy blender — ooo!
I would definitely use it to make Almond Butter to up my calorie and healthy fat intake. I’m the only vegetarian in the house and my parents would surely appreciate me making almond butter for way less $$.
Wow, I would LOVE to win one of these. As a vegan that tries to get as many fruits, veggies, nuts, etc as possible, it would make my life 300x better. I would make soups galore!! And whole fruit smoothies… and nut butters…. YUM!!
I would round out the summer with a variety of gazpachos. (sp?) Also, I want to start creating a variety of spreads for bagels.
Sweet Martha! There’s no limit to what I’d do with a Blendtec! OMG. Kitchen Gadget Freak Heaven. Almond milk, nut butters, syrups, smoothies, juices and on and on. Making my own nut butter is really what turns my crank – that would be awesome!! Basic and fresh. Booyah!
The blender we currently have is on it’s last leg, and we recently blew out our stick blender from too much hummus and coco tofu pudding. Whoops. Would LOVE to win this sucker. I mean blender 🙂
I would make hummus, salad dressings, lots and lots and lots of green smoothies, banana soft serve, fresh juice, soups – raw, cold and hot versions, and of course, lots of protein shakes!
Until I started blending I never realized how amazing a blender could be. Now it sits on my counter to be used every day.
I don’t even have a blender. I have a mini cuisinart food processor. It’s a hassle trying to make all my smoothies, sauces, nut butters in that tiny thing. I NEED something like this, but I doubt I’ll ever be able to afford it. If I had this, I’d be drinking juices/smoothies every day!
I would use it to make my daily green smoothies and would love to be able to make my own raw almond butter! I would really like to start making my own hummus too.
How can I pick one thing!? I’d use it for smoothies, hummus, nut butters, soups, juices, everything!
If I won this amazing blender I would be able to make my smoothies without worrying about starting a fire from the motor overloading! 🙂
Naturally it would be great for the smoothies. I like the idea of the 5-sided container, getting rid of the “corners”.
I would also like to see how it performs in the hummus-making and with the pasta sauces.
Thanks for sharing the evaluation!
Thank you for the chance to win the blender! I’ve never made my own nut butters and would love to try to do so with a Blendtec. I’m dipping my toes into veganism and would also use the Blendtec to make smoothies, soups, dips, spreads and salad dressings.
This is totally awesome! I would sooooo be making the blueberry lemonade recipe immediately, and also almond butter, numerous smoothies, etc. Thanks for the giveaway!
it would be so cool to win a Blendtec!! it would make light work of the protein shakes i make every day. i also like to make soup in the winter and it would be excellent for that… i have a large family so quick and easy is always a plus at our house. we eat alot of nut butter–making it myself would be wonderful and economical:) thanks for offering such a nice item for a giveaway:)
Awesome! I have a $20 target blender that just is NOT doing the trick.
If I owned a Blendtec, I would use it every day.
I would blend from low to high,
make filling for my key lime pie.
Hummus, I would smoothify,
tofu quiches make, not buy.
If I owned a Blendtec,
I would testify
my love for it,
shout it from the rooftops
(in hi-fi).
I do not lie.
Oh how I want a Blendtec.
I want to make one mine.
Will you help me own a Blendtec?
Then all will be fine.
I need to own a Blendtec.
I need to own one now.
I’ve always hoped to own a Blendtec.
What would I do if I won the Blendtec blender? What wouldn’t I do! Smoothies, soups, homemade peanut butter, blending marbles and iphones (okay maybe not). Lets just say it would retire my old Magic Bullet that sounds like a jet taking off now, and also my protein shaker.
If I don’t win one, I will most certainly be buying a Blendtec blender. What will I do with it? First, I will blend my old crappy blender for the trash can. Then, I will make the smoothies that I attempt to make now, except that they will be drinkable. I will also foray into homemade almond milk territory…I think that’s what I’m most excited about!
Wow! I would probably whip up smoothies, mostly, but another thing I really missed after finding out that cream upsets the heck out of my stomach is butternut squash soup. I would make some of that in this blender!
I would love to win the BlendTec and the wild side jar to create healthy delicious meals fast to enjoy a fun and active lifestyle. Thank You!
I have been wanting to make my own nut butters and almond milk for a while now. I go through tons of almond butter and prefer the taste of the raw nut butter too. I would love to save some money on almond milk and butter. Maybe even try some different nut butters. My mom has been wanting a Blendtec too, so I might be the best daughter in the world and give it to her as a gift….MIGHT!!!
Oh wow! I’ve been wanting a good quality blender for some time now! I would totally make baby food (well, in about 9 months or so) in it since I plan on making baby food instead of buying it. But, until then, I would probably drink a smoothie every day and make nut butter in it, since my 2 cup food processor just won’t cut it!
Looks delightful! I would use mine to make wheatgrass shots in the morning, yummmm
I work for Costco Wholesale and we have roadshows for both the Vitamix and Blendtec. They both sold in the same price range. All my friends who owned the Vitamix swore by it, but, I strongly prefered the demos from the Blendtec. I would be thrilled to win one and wear my ‘No Meat Althlete’ tee shirt while using it! LOVE that tee, wear it often.
Ok, making my own icecream sounds good. And I would so be using it to concoct my special garbanzo sauce (similar to the YUMM sauce at Cafe’ Yumm) that goes on top of my super-good barley bowls. Im very impressed by the dough-making abilities for my vegan wheat bread that is SO yummy, since I currently mix by hand. But the most interesting thing is the SNOW CONE part. Dude, SNOW CONES??? My kids would be doing somersaults for SNOW CONES! I may even get more volunteer housework done if I dangle the possibility of yummy snow cones as a treat! Pick me pick me pick me! So that I can get more housework done, have more time to run (training for my second half marathon!) and so that our summer will be complete with SNOW CONES! 🙂
Hi Matt! Oh my life would be just perfect if I won this blender. I’ve been having the “food processor or blender” debate in my mind for awhile now.
If I won, I would make this amazing Vegan Green Chile Sauce I had at Prasad in Portland last weekend. Here’s the recipe:
YES! PDX! Nice.
Smoothie Time!!!
I would definitely get use out of one of these, especially for blending up fruits and veggies into “green smoothies” which just don’t get as smooth as I want them to with my Osterizer (circa 1976, btw).
I should totally win too because July 27 is my birthday, yo!
I would DEFINITELY make nut butters galore. Raw white chocolate macadamia nut butter, anyone? 😉
Whats better than trying out all our traditional Indian recipes which require me to grind the spices fresh. I remember my mother always complaining that her grinder/blender never this the job right!
I would LOVE to make my own nut milks and butters!
The Chocolate Soy Ice Cream recipe sounds awesome! I have always wanted a blender powerful enough to make homemade sorbets and ice creams. They would be so tasty right now in this heat wave!
I have tried to use a cheap blender in the past, and they just don’t work. The blendtec looks like it would be the last blender you ever need to buy. I love to blend green smoothies, as well as frozen bananas with fruit or dark chocolate for a ice cream like treat.
I am afraid after seeing some of the videos, that I would be tempted to put random household objects in it!
This blender looks amazing! I would easily be able to go 100% raw using this machine! It’s so difficult to afford such an amazing product when you’re trying to survive college full-time, but it looks so awesome! Thank you for the opportunity!
From my garden I would blend up fresh green-drinks daily, master the art of almond milk and almond butter, and create lots of healthy meals and snacks for my friends.
I’ve always wanted to get into juicing but couldnt justify all that stuff going to waste..this would be great! I’m also pregnant and when the baby is old enough I’d love to make baby food!
I would use it to try a whole bunch of new things! Especially whole fruit & vegetable juice blends, green shakes, and protein power shakes before and after workouts.
Oh awesome. I’d love a high-speed blender! I’d make tons of green smoothies 8D
I’d use it to make my kids green smoothies every day!
I would love to have one of these! And my almond butter obsession would be multiplied by 1000x if it didn’t take forever to make, as it does in my food processor.
I would so make the “astronaut ice cream.” Tang?!? I haven’t thought about that stuff since childhood!
Also I would make my husband and three darling boys Green Smoothies for breakfast, nutbutters to go on homemade wheat/spelt bread, and pesto. We currently make these things, but my lamo-normal blender is on it’s last leg so this would be down right stupendous to win.
Vegan ice cream, nut butters, soups, and salsa all sound awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
Smoothies are one of my favorite meals, especially in the summer. I could definitely see myself making a killer post run protein shake with the blendtec.
I would use it to make smoothies for sure! The blender I have at home is awful, and really difficult to clean, so something new would be great. Thanks for the giveaway!
For sure I’ll be making smoothies for the hot weather.. hmm frozen watermelon lemonade sounds pretty good too.
When I got a chance to barrow a blendtech for awhile this was a daily green drink, proportions to taste: parsley (I like a bunch) few leaves basil, few leaves mint, frozen banana, rice milk and a scoop of vanilla protein powder if desired, ice. This drink was a game changer and kept me cooled off and training in triple digit temps.
Oh the culinary fun I could have with this! 😀
The Chocolate/Carob Soy ice cream recipe on their website sounds amazing!
I would make nut butters, smoothies, soups, ice cream and tons of other things. I’m sure this blender would be life changing!
I’d make crunchy peanut butter for sure- I’m pregnant and need the protein but my favorite pb is uber pricey!
no doubt about it – i would be making hot soups. i love love love soup, even in the summer and would make them every day if i had the time.
What would I do with a Blendtec?? More like what WOULDN’T I do with it! I’d make smoothies, soup, nut butters, juices, sauces, mixed drinks, dips, I could go on and on. I rely on my food processor all the time since my $30 blender is pretty much worthless. I dream about having a high quality blender!
I would love to make my own almond butter! And maybe a smoothie or two. 🙂
if i had a nicer blender, i could finally make green monster smoothies without driving my boyfriend crazy – since our last one would require me to blend in five parts and take about 5 minutes of blending time to make a single smoothie.
I’d use mine for all things almond – almond butter and almond milk. I use both daily. I’ve been a vegetarian for over two years now but I’ve finally gotten serious about not eating just processed crap without the meat in it. The best thing lately has been that I’ve been making smoothies from you prefect smoothie recipe in the morning for breakfast and my 8 year old son asked for one the other day. I made it just like mine, and even with the spinach, almond butter and hemp protein powder, he loved it! And that’s says a lot coming from a kid who would subsist solely on McNuggets and Pop Tarts if you’d let him. Now he has his morning smoothie with me and I couldn’t be happier. But my blender is old and leaves big chunks of ice cubes that I have to dig out (he will only drink his smoothies with his special bendy straw. Not good with giant ice chunks.) I hadn’t heard of this system before but it sounds amazing! Thanks!
i can’t wait to throw my ipad in it.
I would make my own nut butters for sure. It would save me a bunch of money plus I think it would be a fun expirement!
I would make protein shakes for me and my running buddies!
I would use mine to make my Super Immune Boosting Swamp Juice v.2.0 It’s made with 35 organic veggies, fruits and herbs. I really do need a powerful blender like the Blendtec. I drink it daily and make it for my elderly parents. Their goal is to live past 100 and still be able to avoid doctors and be robust enough to keep hiking and weight training.
Congratulations to all you youngsters going vegan it’s one of the smartest things you’ll ever do.
Oh MAN how I woul love to make my own almond butter! Our sad little food processor can’t handle almonds. :(. I’d make my own almond butter and spread it on everything! No food would be safe!! 🙂
Oh my gosh, what wouldn’t I use this for? I make smoothies pretty much every day, and this looks like a slight upgrade from my $17.99 Oster.
Such a smart man coming around to your wife’s way of thinking. Can I put you in touch with my husband? Every morning I make green smoothies, and love them. I’m too the point where I put my veggies and fruit in the food processor first, then the blender so they aren’t so chunky. Everyone recommends this blender to make perfect smoothies. It get’s fantastic reviews!
Smoothies all the way! My blender is awaiting repair from a run-in between cord and stove. I’m seriously missing my post-long-run smoothies this training season. I’m also very interested in juicing from time to time so the whole juice function is very appealing! My kitchen is tiny, so if I could have a blender/juicer in one machine that would be amazing!
Honestly until I read your blog today (and visited Blendtec’s website), I did not even know that high end blenders even existed! I was in awe watching your videos, just how simple and efficient they are! I battle mine every time I make a smoothie… I know the dreaded “air pocket” all too well. Plus I have to take everything apart to make sure I clean it properly. Its such a hassle that more often than not I’ll just opt to eat the fruit whole instead of lugging out my blender. Oh to win such a blender, how revolutionary!
What a fun giveaway … Our super-cheap blender totally broke down last year. Sad news. I’d LOVE to make green monster shakes/smoothies in the mornings after my daily runs. PS, Who knew you could use a blender for SO many things. Their website is awesome.
It’s not on the website.. but if I had this blender I would totally make some carrot juice! I’m a carrot juice junkie but it’s terribly expensive to buy!
I would love a blender that I could make green smoothies with. I love adding in spinach to my fruit smoothies, but a normal blender just does not cut it. Also I have tried oatmeal smoothies with my friends Blendtec and they are awesome. All you do is add in some bananas, oatmeal, cinnamon and raisins and blend it up. It comes out like a soup that you eat cold and it is amazing.
Smoothies every morning (replace my wimpy Bullet)
Almond Butter at lunch (currently all store bought)
Soups for dinner
I would love to try the site’s recipe “one egg waffles” !
I cannot TELL you how obsessed I am with getting a Blendtec blender. I make a green smoothie every morning and every morning it takes like 10 minutes of feeble blending and stirring with a spoon in order to get the thing to blend right. Having a quality mixer would change my smoothie-drinking life. *fingers crossed*
I’d use this blender to create the best vegan “ice cream” you’ve ever tasted. 😀
I would TOTALLY use it for juicing. Due to the waste and clean up, I have yet to buy a juicer and start juicing but I really want to. This would be the answer to my juicing prayers!!
Also, it would help make the spinach in my green smoothie much more pleasant to drink.
Wow! There are a lot of comments on this one… As a vegetarian college student trying to eat healthy instead of relying on junk food, this blender would definitely make my life a whole lot easier! Smoothies, almond butter, peanut butter, healthy salad dressings, and sorbets… Mmmmmmm. 🙂
I’d try making smoothies. I’ve watched them sample this in Costco and tried some of their “green Ice cream.” It was actually GOOD. I think I could get a kid or two that won’t eat veggies to buy into this. =)
I am currently using a blender I bought at a yard sale!!! If I had a Blendtec with a 7 year warranty I would not have to worry with each smoothie that it would be the last. I would be able to make nut milks, smoothies, cold soups and other yummies!
Could cleaning be easier? I don’t know! It isn’t on the Blendtec website but I bet it is easy to clean!!!
On an every day basis I would totally make smoothies and banana soft serve, but there are a lot of things my poor little magic bullet can’t do. Making nut butters in it would be awesome, I can never get things smooth enough and sometimes it’s kind of gross 🙁
What wouldn’t I do with a blendtec? Ahhh, it would just make my life easier from the smoothies that I make myself everyday, to the baby food preparation for my daughter, and a whole bunch of stuff in between! 🙂
I would looove this. I just got done using my blender and I swear it smelled like it was going to start smoking. I could totally use a new one, we make homemade hummus and smoothies all the time plus I would like to try making juice and almond or peanut butter.
I would make slushies all day long!
This thing juices?! Then for sure I would be making green juices all the time!! All. The. Time!
When our last blender broker we started using our stick blender to make smoothies in a bowl, but it’s just not the same. My young children love standing on a stool and adding the ingredients, and with this I’d teach them to make healthy smoothies properly!
What great recipes they have on their site! I would love to have a blender that I could make soups in…yummy. It would also be nice to have one that I could make almond butter in with out worrying about frying the motor.
Thanks for this opportunity!
I would blend some carrots then try to decided if I wanted Juice or drink.
With my Blendtec Total Blender I would make smoothies and nut butter, much like you use yours. I have heard the blending power on these is unbelieveable and I would love a really well blended smoothie!
I would make snow cones first. It has been so hot here that I am craving something cold.
I am going to make so much hummus that I puke!
Well, maybe not that much, but since my blender recently died, I have been lacking all things blended (which is a lot!)… 🙁
I love this blender!!! I would definitely use it for making my morning”green drinks” and also baby food! I have some really great raw vegan soup recipes aswell!!!! I guess what i am trying to say is that i would get lots of good use out of one!Peace.
I would make smoothies every day instead of every once in awhile. I HATE the frozen banana chunks my current blender leaves. (It also takes abnormally long to make one smoothie).
I make green smoothies daily and I use a Kitchen Aid and while it does a good job its not stellar. Also, I have a child with food allergies and the only nut/seed butter she can tolerate is sunflower seed butter and I cannot make that in my KA. Also, we have 4 going on 5 children so I would totally use this thing multiple times a day!
I think I would be the hummus master with this blender as well as grind your own grains option for freshly baked bread. Of course there would be smoothies involved with winning this blender;)
If I won this, I pretty much think I would make every conceivable kind of smoothie with it! They have a lot of recipes on their site that I would try!
I’ve been making a smoothie every morning for the past six months but with my $20 deluxe oster blender its VERY time consuming. As a mom of two little ones training for my first marathon, I’d love to have a quicker, more powerful and easier to clean blender to get me out of the kitchen and playing with the kids sooner! Love you blog Matt!
I would make ice cream, smoothies, and all natural slushies for my kiddo….as you can c I am being influenced by the 100+ degree weather right now!!
I would make smoothies since my blender is a million years old…no way I can blend anything more than a banana. I would really really be interested in making some sunflower butter or almond butter. I officially have a kindergartener this year and am trying to find some alternatives for lunches with a child who a) does not like meat and b) is allergic to peanut butter. This would be great to make in small batches instead of spending a fortunate on the store bought kinds and I have an 18 month old…so yeah…i could go on for a long time with the things I would make….
I have a fruit smoothie every morning right after my workout. I’ve been doing this for years. I use fresh and frozen fruit, some protein mix, raw almonds, and other good things. I can’t live without my morning ritual – gets me off to a good start. I’ve been using my grandmother’s late 1940s Oster beehive blender all these years. One of these days, I’m afraid that it will give up the ghost. For me, the Blendtec Total Blender would be a good replacement for it – particularly since I can also make peanut butter! (I hate the store-bought stuff). And now that I was recently diagnosed with gluten intolerance, being able to do other things, like making pb, is becoming more important.
I currently have a cheap blender from the store that I use to make smoothies. It works ok, except for the part that keeps breaking. I would love to be able to make smoothies with less liquid and more content. Smoothies are sometimes the only way I can get my kids to eat vegetables. I would also love to make almond butter, coconut milk, almond milk, and some other things that a regular blender just can’t handle.
I would love to give one to my Mother who at 86 yo eats all natural but could use some help in food preparation. I just bought one and love it.
ive killed 3 blenders in a year since i cant afford a $400+ blender. would love one!
Oh, so many things I would do with this blender. First, smoothies! We eat them every day, but the magic bullet doesn’t cut it. I really want to do more green smoothies and need a great blender to do so. Second, make almond butter. My son has peanut allergies and almond butter is pricey, even at costco. I’d love to make it for him. Third, whole juice – I’d probably use that as much as I would the smoothie function! Thanks for the chance! 🙂
I would make a blueberry smoothie! And maybe even try sorbet for the first time… mmm.
This looks awesome! If I had one I would use it for everything! I love making smoothies, especially with greens. But how amazing to make nut butters too! I have been going to my parents just to use their vita mixer. I would live to skip the drive and make my own concoctions. Especially while I’m training for my first marathon!
Oooh as a new vegan I would LOVE to have this in my kitchen! I’d love to make my own chickpea flour and nut butters. Also as it’s so hot it’d be perfect for puréeing fruit for homemade Popsicles.
If I won this BlendTec, I’d save myself alot of money by making my own raw nut butters! I’d also make more raw food recipes in order to eat healthier 🙂
Wow, I would definitely use this as a replacement smoothie maker for the $19.95 mess of a blender I have now. I have come to accept that when I make green smoothies I will be chewing on small bits of unprocessed kale or collard greens, but I’m not sure I should resign myself to this fate. This baby would be an smoothie-upgrade for sure.
I would make some awesome smoothies with it.
This sounds fantastic! My current blender is so awful… I never use it because it is sooooooooo frustrating. I would use the new blender to make smoothies, soup, sauces, dips (the guacamole recipe on the Blendtec website looks yummy) and margaritas!
Oh man!! I love juicing and smoothies! I would make my and the tots juices everyday and yummy kale + bfruit smoothies. And you better believe I would be making nut butters!! Crossing my fingers!!
Oh my, this has been on my wish list for so long! I now use my Oster EVERY day, so I would move that blender over to my BF’s house and give the Blendtec center stage on my countertop. My first shake will be my favourite peanut butter, banana, almond milk and ice mixture. I WILL be trying out some Almond Butter, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what this baby can do with veggies! I’ll be keeping it busy, and it’ll be keeping me healthy!
I’m so excited about this giveaway! I’ve been wanted a nice blender for a long time, but I just haven’t had the guts to fork over the money for a REALLY nice one. I’d would use the blender to make my daily morning shakes and post-workout shakes!
I’d use this blender to make every kind of nut butter possible. Thumbs up for nut butters!
I want one!! I love the idea of being able to make my own nut milks and butters especially. As much as is practical, I like to make my own food though I’ve largely steered away from almond butter and milk and similar things because I don’t have the right appliance. This would be perfect! I also eat a a lot of soup in the winter and would love to be able to throw ingredients in whole and – voila – have soup! What an awesome invention.
What would I do with this blender…hmmm. You got me with the almond butter; I eat almond butter everyday so that would be a huge advantage. I think I’d eat a lot more of my veggies in smoothie form. The quick pasta sauce is also great idea, so top three: almond butter, veggie drinks, pasta sauce. Yum.
I’d love a smoothie…
You had me sold at almond butter. Almond milk, peanut butter, and smoothies without constantly having to stop to break up the air bubble would be awesome, too!
I would love one of these! Just heard about it for the first time recently as I was learning about eating vegan. My husband has very bad arthritis and in an attempt to heal him, we’ve gone on a a vegan and mostly raw diet. I’ve been using my stupid little blender and my brute strength to smash food. This would change my life!
I am hoping to start eating and drinking more healthily, and also would like to lose some weight. I can’t think of a better way to achieve that, than with a Blendtec Blender! I would love to win one of these!
LOVE the videos thanks for sharing…I’d make my Herbalife shakes into Green Smoothie Shakes using spinach and lots of frozen fruit. I also would love to make pizza dough.
I’ve been looking at blenders for a while now but haven’t been able to decide on one. You see, I love beets and in particular beet smoothies. Apparently thats somewhat of an aquired taste as no one else in my family shares the love for the beet smoothie. So, I’ve been dragging my feet on getting a blender- but this one looks fantastic. Thanks for your video! kristie
I have been a diehard blendtec fan for years! I have wanted one forever but sadly have never been able to afford one. someday, somehow, someway I will have one. I want to blend everything…shakes, sauces, soups, dressings, baby food, etc. to quote wayne campbell from wayne’s world “it will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine”.
I’d blend an iPhone! Just kidding…a little Blend-it humor. I’d be whipping up some mean and tasty protein shakes. Mmmmm!!!!
I would make hummus of course!
We currently use our regular blender for this, but you’re right, the Blendtec would make it much creamer consistency.
I would LOVE a Blendtec for my family. I could sneak more vegetables into my children’s diet with smoothies, make cashew butter for my husband and enjoy a nice soup in the winter with vegetables from our garden! PLEASE PICK ME! (Does that sound desperate enough?)
one more thing – I made a spinach smoothie two days ago with rice drink, protein powder, strawberries, banana and 6 oz spinach. My current blender spun underneath the spinach and I had to keep sticking my spatula in it as it was running. Scary.
Salsa, cashew cheese, gazpacho, baby food…you name it, I’ll make it.
Holy deliciousness!!! I am just dreaming of all the different things I could finally hide in my girls beverages and soups! Spinach, peas, beans, zucchini, cucumber, dark green leafy veggies! We’ve never had a mixer that could blend things up well enough to hide the small pieces from my fairly picky eaters. It’s usually not the taste that holds them back….it’s the visual texture. Loving this giveaway! Thanks!
I would make a huge batch of fresh garden gazpacho. then go to the farmers market and stock on fresh fruit to freeze for the fall and winter so we can start becoming a “morning smoothie” family!
This looks like a super nice blender. I currently use my food processor to try to make smoothies – this would work much better! Homemade pasta sauce would also be convenient.
I am training for my first marathon in October and have been looking for a way to make post-workout drinks that incorporate the whole fruit/vegetable instead of just the juice. I found really goode reviews of the Blendtec online and would really like to have one but unfortunately I cannot afford it. Winning one would make this vegan runner very happy indeed!
i would love to make more smoothies and juice. i’ve already had to replace my blender twice and would love one that will last much longer.
I’d love to make smoothies and shakes. Been a fan of the “will it blend” series for years. 🙂
My wife and I make fruit smoothies several mornings a week and would love to use a blender that I’m not afraid to use ice in. It would also come in handy for our pear-butter, soups, and pasta sauces!
I would include more produce in my diet and move towards eating mainly raw food. It’s so much easier to eat kale, parsley, spinach. I even have a recipe for “mashed potatoes” that is really made with cauliflower that is delicious, you can barely tell the difference. It is amazing how wonderful a person can feel when they are getting the nutrients they need daily. My friends make fun of me for eating my green smoothies 🙂
I’d be grinding up oats and nuts like there is no tomorrow to make “power balls,” (oats, nuts, agave…rolled in various seeds then frozen) my favorite pre-workout snack 🙂
haha I have had so many people ask me how I survive with my 30 dollar blender with the amount of smoothies I make. Would love to try making nut butter in it.
I would use it everyday to make smoothies! On top of that, I’d try the pasta sauces & soups! And flaxseed! And homemade spreads like hummus!
winning the blender means I get a break from kitchen duty because my husband would do the blending. as they say, a happy wife is a happy life.
My Mom has one of these and IT.IS.AWESOME!!!
I’d love to get one too! 🙂
I would do a vegan iced chai which recipe I have just created in my head 🙂 Thanks for videos, especially how to make almond butter.
I would use the Blendtec to make morning smoothies that would assist in dropping excess weight. I would also use the widesize jar to make bread dough. I would like to get into baking my own breads. I saw a video once of how the widesize jar is perfect for doing this. I have my fingers crossed. For extra good karma, I am sharing this post with my friends on facebook.
Considering that I’ve been running my brand-new food processor into the ground with all of my new vegan recipes, this blender would really give Mrs. Kitchenaid a break!
I’d use it for:
-Bean Dips
-Smoothies & Protein Shakes
-Creamy Avocado Soup
-Asparagus Soup
-Sorbet/Water Ice
-Nut Butters
-Nut Milks
I’d love to chronicle the recipes on my food blog! (to be released in the next few weeks at 🙂
Happy blending everyone!
Our current blender does not have a top and most recently, the “off” switch does not function, so you have to unplug it. I make all kinds of smoothies for myself and the kids. We have a blended household with three teens. None would eat the fruit I put in smoothies on their own, but they all will drink the smoothies! Amazing. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
I’d love to make fresh breads, frozen yogurts, smoothies, soups, gosh everything can be made in this blender !! 🙂 I’d make it all!!
I’ve always wanted one! I would whip up green smoothies, smoothies, soups and everything else under the sun for me and my kiddos 🙂 Thanks!
I loved the videos! I have been skeptical for quite some time about buying such a high-priced blender, but I am convinced it is an investment I will have to make in the near future 🙂
I would make all types of nut butters! Sunflower, pecan, walnut–Maybe even a combination.
I would definitely make my morning smoothies and probably get more adventurous with what I put into it since I can’t really do that with my Oster blender because it just isn’t that powerful!
I would love to use this to make my fruit smoothies. The nut butters look fun to make too.
It’s so funny my husband and I just watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead the other night, and were wishing we had an awesome juicer or blender. Enter the NMA giveaway, sweet! This blender would be a real lifesaver for my husband. He is in the very beginning of going vegan and determined to get his health back. He has been buying from the juice bar near his work, but it gets very spendy after just a few days even. I would love to support him by sending out the door with healthy smoothies/juices we can make at home. Thanks so much for the opportunity-we love your site!!
Our blueberry bushes are really producing now so I would try the blueberry ice cream.
I would make smoothies and homemade nut butter!!
I would use this to make almond butter. I go through alot of it and would love to be able to make my own for less money. The smoothie function would get a lot of use too. My current blender works okay but is a pain in the neck to clean!
Wow what *couldn’t* I do with this! First project: make some awesome green smoothies for my otherwise greens-hating vegan teen daughter!
I would love to win this blendtec..I would make the whole neighborhood green smoothies and healthy raw soups…. Thank you for having this contest…
What WOULDN’T I do with one of these blenders?! I’ve been lusting after it for years, longing to make my own creamy almond and sunflower butter, hemp and almond milk (yummm!), amazing sorbets, only-the-good-stuff fruit leathers, and delectable smoothies! I would amaze visitors with all the delicious concoctions I’d make!
I really would use it for the same stuff you use it for, smoothies, whole juice (that sounds amazing) and nut butters. I would probably do the occasional raw soup and fresh pasta sauce too. I use a clunky old blender now that’s really more pain than its worth, but I think my husband would shoot me if I spent that much on a blender.
My blender absolutely stinks at smoothies. Air bubbles, nothing blends. It makes me sad. I would make WAY more smoothies!!
Love following along with your adventures!
Of course, green smoothies would be yummy, but I’d like to try making tortilla soup in the Blendtec!
Holy frick, I’d love a blender like that! I would definitely put it to use making smoothies, homemade nut butter, and Green Monsters! 😀
I want to make some green salsa! And also experiment with other salsas and dips. And I really want to try making almond milk, mmm. OH THE POSSIBLITIES!
I’d start up a YouTube channel about all the things you can blend with it, them blend diamonds, cell phones, and crow bars…. Then probably make some juice and smoothies when I’m done:)
definitely would make green juices!!
I’d make even more epic smoothies than I currently do (I have the crappiest of all crappy blenders that is probably going to break soon, unfortunately). And if I had a better blender, I’d definitely make my own nut butters, too!
I would use it to make almond butter. I used to make almond butter in my magic bullet. But the motor burn up after two months. I would make smoothies, soups, soy milk for homemade tofu and more, so much more.
I would use it to get back into making green smoothies again. Yum!
I would make smoothies, and other healthy meals. I am hoping to start eating and drinking more healthily, and also my wife and I are trying lose some weight. I can’t think of a better way to achieve that, than with a Blendtec Blender! I would love to win one of these! These are great blenders and I hope to have one someday.
I would definitely use it for making green smoothies. I do them with my so-so blender now, but I have used my mom’s blendtec and know that we would use it a lot! I love the idea of making my own almond butter in it too.
Wow, I would love to have a Blendtec! I would make what I make now in my cheap blender but it would be so much better – smoothies, sauces, soups, cashew creams. I’d like to start making my own nut butter blends too.
I’d probably use it to make banana soft serve which I’m obsessed with right now. Or maybe to make cashew butter, which I just love, too.
I would love to make my own almond milk. My current blender just doesn’t seem capable of it and I end up buying it. I know my own would be healthier and less expensive. Same for nut butters! All those specialty butters that cost outrageous amounts of money would be at my fingertips. It would be a very utilized appliance, that’s for sure!
Ever since my wife and I went vegan about 2 months ago I’ve been looking for a good blender for making smoothies and recovery drinks. I do a lot of running and cycling so I make a LOT of drinks. I bout a Ninja blender from Target and it’s done ok, but I can’t blend whole foods. It just doesn’t do the job. It’d be great to have something like this to make my own almond butter too. I took your advice and started eating a lot more of it to take in the extra calories, but it’s expensive to buy every week. My wife and I are also starting to make whole foods baby food and I think this would be perfect for blending up carrots, squash, and other veggies for the munchkins.
I have been drooling over one of these for almost a year now, it’s so hard to resist every time I see them at Costco. I love making raw almond butter, but my little nija can’t hang. A Vitamix would make my almond butter making so much easier!
I would be able to make green smoothies without worrying about chunks getting stuck in my teeth!! My current blender sucks!
My kids (4 1/2, 3 and 14 months) love smoothies!! And since I only have a tiny bullet blender it can’t do very much at a time and start to smell like burning after 30 seconds of blending!!! I’d love to be able to make enough smoothie for everyone in one process!
I would love to have the reconditioned blender but not for me for my daughter! I have one and love it but she could not afford to buy one right now so this would be perfect because she has a picky 1 yr. old that would do well with the smoothies and juices.
If I had a Blendtec, I would for sure use it to make smoothies as breakfast, snacks, and to compliment my meals! I’d also use it to make soups because I’m a huge soup person, and I love experimenting with different vegan soup recipes, even though I’m not a vegan. I would also use it to make my own hummus, since it looks like this blender could do a much smoother job than my other one! Oh the possibilities! 🙂
I would make my own nut butters and smoothies.
The texture I get while using the BlendTec for sauces, dips, toppings, smoothies, juices, almond milk, etc is superior to any other blender or piece of equipment I’ve ever used.
Pick me! Pick me! haha. I would love to win this, I’ve been dying to upgrade to a blender that will chop kale up better for green smoothies, and also is strong enough to make banana soft serve.
I have Parkinson’s and found that wholefood nutrition is the way go. I would love to have one of these!!
I would totally start making almond butter if I had a blender like this. I’d also make tons of vegetable/fruit combination smoothies. I’d go blend crazy with my garden!
I’d make whole juices (to get more fresh fruits and veggies into my diet) green smoothies, fruit smoothies, healthy ice cream, nut butters, nut milks, make my own soups (instead of the ones from cans that are chockful of sodium), sauces, doughs, and grind my own flour. A Blendtec will help me slowly transition into a raw vegan to become fit and healthy! If I win a Blendtec, I’ll also make some whole juices, soups, and green smoothies for my mom so that she too can reach her goal weight.
Thank you so much for the chance to win a Blendtec!!
In all honesty, I have a Blendtec… Love the hell out of it. I would use this machine (if I won) to give it to my aunt who has to feed her son through a tube and keep him on a liquid diet.
She has bought many blenders over the years, and I’d love to give her one that will last and yield exceptional results.
Popeye icecream! (With a vegan milk substitution.) The spinach icecream would definitely be the first thing I would try. And I would go nuts juicing.
If I won, I’d give this thing to my recently retired parents, and smile as I watch them thrive during their golden years. 🙂
I’d love to make hot soups, smoothies, and dips. Can’t wait to have one of these one day!!
I’ve always wanted one of this! I wish I can win! 🙂 I would make vegan ice cream made out of frozen bananas and any other fruit. Also, it will be easier to make hummus with a Blendtec!
Well, I would definitely get more veggies into my three young kids through smoothies. I know they would love them without knowing exactly what was inside!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to be able to make nut butters! we go though way too many jars around here. thanks for the giveaway!
I like the no-brainer functions. It would be great to make nut butters from soaked, dried raw nuts.
What a phenomenal give-away! I would definitely use the Blendtec to make juices and home-made almond milk for the most part, as this is what I mainly use my old, beat-up and tired blender for. This would be a VERY welcome addition to my kitchen!!
O my goodness I want this! All I have is a Magic Bullet, which is nice, but tiny! I would love to make huge smoothies that I could portion out instead of having to make so many small ones. I would also definitely make almond butter. I pay probably $10 a jar to get Maranatha’s raw almond butter – it’s my absolute favorite. Not a big fan of roasted nut butters. I was thinking about asking for a Vitamix for my graduation present but I’d much rather get this one for free instead!
Everything! Morning green smoothies, humus for an afternoon snack, hot soup for dinner.
Hot soup? Oh man, I would definitely be trying that one out.
Try cashew butter. It’s fantastic. I want to make homemade peanutbutter cups with dark chocolate and homemade almond or cashew butter
WOW!!!!! What a give-a-way thanks for the opportunity. I thought (if I win) about making the Astronaut suprise icecream in honor of our Kennedy Space Center employees who build make our space program. However, I’m not a big fan of tang SOO I think the first thing I would make is the Popeye Ice Cream. I’m a huge fan of the green leaf (spinach)! The brown rice burger also sounds good. The most intriguing item is the DVD titled “Will it blend?” Sound HILLARIOUS!
So excited that you got one and love it! My husband didn’t get why I wanted one so bad until he saw one demonstrated at Costco. We are saving up though.
I really want one so I can blend all kinds of veggies in our smoothies so it’s not chunky cuz my son doesn’t do well with bits of kale in his smoothies. Also to make frozen treats that are healthier so my husband won’t go out and buy the dairy laden ones in the store.
Well after I make peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter and any other nut butter imaginable, I will then make 5,000 pounds of hummus for my own enjoyment. Just a mild hummus obsession, that’s all. I’ve never owned a juicer so I’d like to make some crazy green monster with kale or something similar. My own standard blender starts smoking when I try to make anything too thick or difficult to blend (and yet I’m still using it.) Oh and ice cream would be incredible too.
I would love to win the Total Blender! I’ve wanted one for some time now. I would primarily use it for juicing, but I’ve been know to make pumpkin pie filling in the blender as well as sauces and smoothies.
I already own Blentec’s grain mill and LOVE IT. I don’t buy ground flours anymore – it’s all fresh ground at our house!
I would definitely blend my protein shakes that I have twice a day in one of these, along with tons of other things….salsa, nut butter, butternut squash soup, the list goes on and on!!!
This would totally blow my diet. I’d use it to make lots of mixed drinks loaded with calories.
I haven’t gotten into smoothies yet (for one thing, they’re expensive!), but I’ve always wanted to give it a go. I tried once with a handheld thing. It was all right, but not quite what I wanted.
I’d also try making ice cream with my daughter (yum!), and cold ice coffee drinks could be interesting! (love coffee, but it’s too hot here in Georgia, for way too long during the year! LOL)
Anyway, good luck to all, have fun!
Ooooo!!!! Someone mentioned hummus, I LOVE hummus. That REALLY didn’t work so well with the handheld device! 🙁 yeah, I’d save myself $3+ with a Blendtec, that’s for sure!
What an awesome idea to give away! This ranks right up there with the free Segway offer! Throw in the Zombie-Proof house and you’ll be worshipped by all forever.
No, really.. all joking aside the Blendtec has way more uses than can be described in a comment. My personal reasons would be to make my own herbal tinctures from my overgrowing garden harvests, along with processing all the mad amounts of fruit we get up in the Pacific Northwest into jams. A Blendtec would make that a whole lot easier on me, and since I’m an “energy conservationist” that’s a good thing!
Thank you for your consideration to this contest!
First, I would learn how to make anything vegetarian that would be considered soft food as I have just been diagnosed with osteroarthritis of the jaw (and have given up meat eating in May) and ordered to adopt a soft food diet to alleviate the pain/inflammation.
Then, I would learn how to make good quality baby food for my neighbor, who is going to deliver on August 4th. I want them to be able to feed fresh, wholesome baby food to their son and they would be thrilled to be shown how.
I would make most everything with mine! I’ve been dreaming of a high speed blender ever since I started training for my marathon…
What wouldn’t I make with this awesome blender?! I would use it to make almond and nut butters, peanut butter, homemade Nutella, pesto, sauces, blend soups, and so much more!
Without question, I would make Carrot Juice every single morning!
I would blend the avacado and it’s seed! The power of a whole tree right there! Apple seeds and skin, raspberry seeds, high phytochemical foods blended to the molecular level for intense fuel and healing! I would blend soups, raw pie crust with dates and walnuts with raw pumpkin pie filling! There are so many things! Healthy Salad dressings, ice creams…mmmmmm
Oooh, I want one! I’d use it for nut butters, soups, smoothies, and so many other things (like pulverizing dates and figs for delicious natural desserts!).
So awesome. Perfect for mixing almond butter and adding it to my Vega shake. I’ve been debating between this blender and a Vitamix. Anyone have one of those?
I’ve just recently started trying to get into making smoothies, but I get turned off every time because cleaning is a disaster. It sounds like this is just what I need!
I would make a smoothie every morning for breakfast, blend soups (fresh gazpacho), fruit for granitas,almond butter, almond milk…As you can see I would LOVE the Blendtec!!
smoothies! Since it is very difficult to get my 4 year old to eat his veggies, this would be great to make smoothies and sneak in some greens. Im also trying to lose the baby fat (4 years later) ha ha! So it would be great for me also to start making whole juices. 🙂
I would use it for smoothies, nut butters, nut milks, and anything I would use a food processor for.
Ooooh the things I would do with the Blender of all Blenders!
I think for starters I would make smoothies for my no meat athlete boyfriend and of course my daughter would INSIST on making her own smoothies.
I’m pretty sure this blender can do anything, so we’ll throw hummus in there, maybe make almond butter or other random madness like that.
But you know what I’d LOVE to do! I have a pet Sulcata Tortoise, her name is Pete (yes, Pete) and she’s pretty dang spoiled! I’d mush up all her veggies and fruits and mix in her calcium powder and make a veggie gravy mix to pour over her pelleted foods.
I really think she would Thrive on that. Good old tortoise, it’s good spoil the critters as well as the humans!
I wonder if I could blend up frozen pinky mice for the snake too!?!
I work in a raw vegan restaurant one day per week, and would LOVE to make their raw vegan strawberry cheezecake, made entirely in a high-speed blender — YUM!
I wouldn’t know where to stop with something like this. Soups, vegan burgers, guac, hummus, homemade tomato sauce with my first crop of tomatoes, or salsa. And things I’ve never tried before because my appliances aren’t the most reliable, like sorbets, nut butters. But something I have been wanting to try for a while is some detox-juicing. I have someone very close to me that would benefit from a whole body detox, i think he might give it a try if it was a smoothie or something he could drink before work or on his way.
I would make hummus, nut butters, smoothies and so much more!!!
Nut butters, smoothies and nondairy beverages, probably be inspired to try a bit of everything.
I see the recipe for Astronaut Surprise – my husband works at NASA and would LOVE that ice cream!
Best NMA giveaway ever! I made the leap to a vegan diet 5 months ago while I was training for my first post-babies half-marathon (that’s two babies in 15 months, 2 months of bedrest included, and a new diagnosis of a rare auto-immune disorder). I spent only three months training, cut 6 minutes off my PR, and most impressively also managed to get my husband, two year old, and three year old to also change to a vegan diet.
You ask how would I use this blender if I won the giveaway? How wouldn’t I use it?? I’ve been begging my husband for a Blendtec since I attempted my first smoothie and came up with giant pear chucks that simply would not blend. Just the ability to make our daily batch of smoothies at once would be a major improvement over the tiny $20 blender I currently use. I am especially intrigued by the ability to make ice cream, this would make my year!
This looks INCREDIBLE! I’ve also been just plain WARY of expensive blenders but would pay full retail on this one right now if I could!!!
I would make the most AMAZING avocado lime cilantro sorbet to cool me off in the Boston summer!
That’s why YOU should pick ME!
If I have a Blendtec, I will be delighted to make ‘whole juice’. It will be easy to give up my juicer then. I also really look forward to try your almond butter recipe – looks great. The main thing right now would be for me to make sorbet and ‘ice creams’ from fresh fruit. Frozen bananas and other fruits look like a real easy task to whip up Into a desert with this blender. I’ve burnt out regular less powerful kitchen blenders so this looks like it will provide so many more possibilities!!
What I was most impressed with is actually quite simple- the smoothies. I try making smoothies in my blender and it never comes out nice and smooth. There are chunks of ice and fruit. I have to eat it with a spoon because it won’t go through a straw! So to see that the blendtec makes smoothies so smooth- better than Jamba? I was quite impressed.
The first thing I would make is massive batch of almond butter. They’re so darn expensive to buy!
i would LOVE one of these things! i have been scheming to make my own maple cashew butter, arugula pesto, and raw cheesecakes with one but my current blender cant really handle nuts!
after poking around blendtec’s website i totally wanted to make the Honey Maple Nut Butter, but DUH with earth balance instead of real butter. vegan fo’ life!
i’m a smoothie fiend…so i’d use it to whip up all kinds of healthy smoothies. thanks for chance to win!
I would love, love, love to make nut milk and nut butters! My current wimpy blender would not even stand a chance.
I would make pretty much everything! I would love fresh juices and smoothies and to save money on my nut butters.
I would SOOOO love to have a Blendtec blender and that is so sweet that you and your wife gave each other half of a blender for Christmas! I do drink a lot of smoothies and that alone would be worth getting a Blendtec, but I would love to make soups with this blender!! And just about everything else this machine can whip up!
I’d consider never eating solids again…
or make some really tasty nut butter
What a great giveaway! I would make smoothies. I’m also interested in trying to make cookies/desserts with it. I’d never thought of that!
I’m completely new to the smoothie world. The closest thing I’ve ever had to a smoothie is a banana and rice-milk shake …
I’ve read a BUNCH of great ideas above and I can’t wait to get started!!! ツ
GIMME A BLENDTEC!!!!! pleeeeeaase … 。^◕‿◕^。
I would make nut butter all day and all night, probably with maple syrup! Pina coladas might also happen on occasion. You know, for recovery.
I’d make lots of tasty fruit drinks. And cashew cream for pasta topping. And almond butter. And the summer stand-by banana “ice cream”. And then I would loan it to my highly creative younger son and see what goodies he could dream up.
I am a college student that attend the University of Nebraska. I love reading this blog!! I love making juice and smoothies. I have invited my friends from my dorm floor over for their first real fresh fruit drink blended with bluberries and almond milk. THEY LOVED IT!!! I currently own the “as seen on TV MAGIC BULLET” it is my favorite, until watching the videos from the Blendtec website. It seems that there is a much better utility out there. But who can afford a $500 blender. I gues this poor college student will save her pennies and save to buy one eventually. This blender would seriously change my eating habits for ever!!!!!!
I would definitely make some almond butter!
I would make tons of green smoothies!!!: )
I think the question is “what wouldn’t I do with a Blentec Blender”…
I have wanted one for years, I have a tip jar on my home bar, in 5 years we have accumulated $50 toward a Blendtec.
If I had a Blendtec it would live on the bar, but would be pressed into service in the kitchen probably as often as it is used in the bar. We like to entertain, so it would be involved in many, many ways.
Wow, these babies are amazing! I was just at a thrift shop contemplating buying this old blender but knew it wouldn’t be able to handle more than making a milkshake.
I’d LOVE to make my own almond milk with the blendtec and try their Green Giant vegetable juice recipe! And the same machine can grind nuts – this is too awesome not to try for!
I would for sure be making almond butter and other nut butters and trying my best to replicate Justin’s nut butters. I’ve been going through about a jar of nut butter a week for awhile now. It’s a very expensive (however very delicious) habit.
I would make homemade baby food. And smoothies. And Bourbon Slushies (I’ll give you the recipe if you ask)
My current blender is lousy. I would make smooth delicious hummus by first making my own tahini. When I try with my blender, it’s just not creamy enough. I’d also make some cake (I’m not a vegan, just a veg-although this could put me over the edge). I’ve never had blender-made cake.
What wouldn’t I make in it? I think I would be most excited to try juicing because cleaning my juicer is a PAIN.
OK, I’ll come out of lurkdom to play!
I watched your videos (totally forgot about leaving the greens on strawberries when I make smoothies! all that greenery! wasted!) and poked around the website… I’m not on facebook, but if I win, I’ll create a facebook page for my new blender, plus I’ll blog about it so much Blendtec will make you and me both honorary affiliates. (does that mean we’d be affiliates that don’t get paid? nevermind.)
ANYWAY – I’d be psyched to make my own raw nut butters much like you’ve done… to experiment with things like macadamia nuts? brazil nut butter? pumpkin seed butter? The sad little blender I have now is the one Zak got when he was in college. Fortunately it’s now made more fruit smoothie than it did frozen mixed drinks… but it took a while to get there.
I have always been a healthy, mostly vegetarian eater, but 2 years ago I married a ‘meat and potatoes’ man. It’s been a slow yet fruitful process of introducing him to my alternative eating style. I’m also a step mom with 2 moderately adventerous eaters and I discovered if I can make the food prep fun for them, they enjoy the meals much more. I recently introduced home made vegan cheese into some of the meals, which was fun for us to make but the cashews didn’t completely blend, leaving the cheese a bit chunky. So this is one thing I’ll remedy. I’m also incorporating chia into dishes but, again, my blender doesn’t completely blend these seeds. My main interest is increasing the health of my family (and getting back to the way that my body wants to eat) and making it FUN!!!
I would love to be able to make fresh juices and nut butters/milk. My current blender is barely able to handle smoothies, and nut butters were an epic fail.
Gosh, what CAN’T you do with this thing? It’s like the Magic Bullet on steroids! If I had one, amongst trying other things that I’ve never tried before, I’d probably use it for making nut butters, grinding seeds, making shakes and sauces. Probably a lot of dips, too, like roasted red pepper hummus and the like. The recipe on the site for Tapoica bread looks delectable based on the ingredients, and pretty straightforward; I’d probably mess around with quite a few bread recipes now that I think about it. I might use it to chop nuts for granola, or make soups like you said. 🙂 I need to invest in a proper blender, STAT! (STAT always makes things sound more important, I find. Like “make me a sandwich…STAT!”
I’d love to win a BlendTec
Sweet ! My mom refuses to buy a new blender. I think ours is ancient ! I agree, a good one is pricey, but well worth it, but damn would I love a good blender to show my mom what she’s missing out on. I love making green smoothies with my Vega products so I’d like to incorporate more fruits that require less prep time. I want a machine so powerful it can blend the peel and core since that’s where most of the nutrients are. I’d also start experimenting more in the kichen with recipes I’ve been dying to try out.
Please save me ! I have stuck to stringy, thick, and visually unappealing treats using my mom’s gadget and would love to surprise her with this !
I would use the blend to blend my magic bullet! I wonder if that’s even possible. It sure is a nuisance to use but it’s all I got. Almond milk, fruit, blend, more fruit, blend, protein powder, blend. It would be nice to be throw everything in a NORMAL size turbo powered blender and pulverize it! I’ve always wanted to try grinding my own flour for baking.
Thanks for your review on the blender. The debate will continue as to which blender is better. Guess it comes down to preference in the end. Seems like 50% of people like the Vitamix and the others swear by Blendtec. Your opinion always helps
Ooooooh my holy goodness- that machine looks amazing! I would use it to make nut butters and for processing oats and grains into flour. Oh, and the self cleaning option!
Chocolate. Soy. Icecream.
Vegan shopping is pretty limited where I am (the Netherlands, aka Dairy Country) and sorbet ice is pretty nice, but… I’ve been craving chocolate ice cream all summer!
I’d make my own soy milk! Yum!! Oh, and margaritas.
I want to try out making cookies with one of those bad boys! I don’t have a regular blender and this would make mixing cookie dough so much easier!
I’ve been itching to get a high powered blender, but I just can’t stomach the price (yet)! I’ve just tried fresh juice for the first time (carrot, apple, beet) but I’m not sold on getting a juicer for the clean-up aspect so I’d definitely use a Bendtec to juice and of course to make massive amounts of smoothies! I also go through nut butter like an addict, so homemade flavored nut butters would be on the list as well! And hummus.
i’d be making a raw cashew ‘cheesecake’ asap if i had one of these awesome machines!
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you very much! I’d make almond butter, chocolate hazelnut spread, green monster smoothies, hummus, baba ghanoush, coconut butter, various non-dairy ice creams … there’s very little I wouldn’t do with this blender! Mostly, I’d want it for the smoothies. My current blender, which I got 8 years ago as a wedding present, cannot handle the tremendous volume of frozen berries, bananas, kale and spinach I throw its way. Thank you again!!
Hmmm. I think I’d make daily smoothies to get my green vegetables in. And then I’d use it to make pancake batter from whole grains instead of using flour. And I’d very likely use it to make some kind of ice cream.
I own so many kitchen appliances that I’ve held off on anything more than my high-end Wahl blender, which is pretty darn good. But I definitely can’t use it for nut butters, so I’d love to win this! I’d love to try mixing nuts, and being able to use no-salt, maybe even add some spices like cinnamon and cayenne. Mmmmm….
I forgot to add that, while I have an amazing juicer, I -LOVE- the idea of whole juices!
I’d make a ton of smoothies, probably try out some crazy things with the “whole juice” function, and make salad dressings that never separate. Ever.
Well heaven bless Tom Dickson, but I will not be any of that kind “don’t try this at home” stuff. I would make healthy soup, and those smoothie recipes are making me smile… I am new to the eat to live idea, in the past I was only living to eat.. If I won the Blendtec I would loose a ton of weight, that’s almost how much I need to loose, A TON… I’d find my prince charming, be healthy enough to make one super amazing baby… and live a long happily ever after… OMG my whole life depends on this Blendtec Blender with Wildside jar… Please Vegi Man your my only hope !!!!
I have been looking into getting an awesome blender but the price unfortunately keeps holding me back! I’d love to make my own nut butters, hummus, smoothies or anything else I could blend! The juicing also sounds awesome as sometimes traditional juicers can seem wasteful if you’re not making use of the juice pulp!
I love my Blendtec. I make a fruit based green smoothie almost every day. Good way to sneak in some vegetables and fiber into my husband’s diet.
Looks like a major upgrade from my magic bullet- HAHAHA!
i love smoothies, make one almost everyday, with this machine I could make so much more!
I would love to have a Blendtec to make smoothies and whole juices!! Being a vegetarian college student who tries to avoid fast food, I sometimes struggle to find healthy choices. I think this blender could make a world of difference!
OMG I have been wanting a Blendtec forever (hubby won’t let me get one) but I would seriously make sooooo many things. I just have a marginal blender which I use all of the time but how awesome would it be to make your fabulous almond butter, soups, pesto’s. Oh the possibilities!!!
I make smoothies every day along with some homemade protein powder thrown in. I’d love to start juicing and making nut butters, though! This would be perfect!
My current blender is just plain AWFUL and I really love smoothies. I’d make smoothies every morning for breakfast if it weren’t for the ginormous pain in the butt that is my crappy blender. Having a Blendtec would really help me start the day off right. 🙂
Love to make green smoothies with fresh ingrdients from the garden. Blending fresh juices sounds wonderful too!!
I would use it for smoothies – because right now it takes me 10-15 minutes to make a smoothie in my blender. (yes, I bought the cheapest blender at Target, what can I say?)
I never thought about making nut butters in the blender! That would be my first attempt!!
A lot of vegan recipes call for the use of a blender and mine is terrible. I would love to win this blender for smoothies, soups, nut butters and anything else I can think of to throw in there.
I’ve been dying for a Blendtec but I can justify the price tag right now! On a daily basis, I would continue to make my green smoothies only I know they would be much creamier and smoothie if I used a Blendtec and not my junky $20 blender. I would also make an assortment of nut butters, non-dairy milks, salsas, sauces, and even grind my own grains into flour! Please pick me!!
Matt I absolutely love your website. Been a long time fan. I have to say up until this point i have been sold on the Vitamix, but wow, I’m impressed. I didn’t think any other blenders matched up. The BlendTec Total blender definitely does. If i had a BlendTec I would have fun in a field with a baseball bat destroying my horrible blender that i use to make daily smoothies and would send you a well edited slow motion video of the glorious act. I have wanted a high tech blender since i became a vegan 7 months ago. I am a mountain biker and i absolutely live on smoothies. Like you, I also very much enjoy the idea of” Whole food” juice. I don’t juice because I miss out on all that goodness left in the fruit, but “whole food” juice is completely different. I would love to try it out!
It’s 100 degrees here and I don’t have AC, so I’m looking to optimize my time sitting in front of the fan slurping down cold beverages and eating homemade sorbet- that’s what I’d try first with a Blendtec.
I’d do lots of hummus. And almond milk. Lots of almond milk too.
I would use my Blendtec blender to make my every-morning green monster. I would also make all kinds of nut butters.
I absolutely love the idea of making two of my staples, almond milk and butter.
Green Smoothies, Nut Butters and bulk salad dressings, all the way! Despite trying, I can never seem to make a decent home made nut butter – or nut milk, for that matter. It just ends up as gross lumpy, unspredable goo. My green smoothies at the moment never really get smooth and beautiful…just lumpy and flecked with unblended greens. To drink a perfectly smooth one every day would be heaven!
What wouldn’t I do? Smoothies and almond butter, okay. Salsas and some cold summer soups. Frozen banana “ice cream.” And I want the mill attachment to make flour, too.
Post-run and lunch smoothies are the no-brainer here, as I currently use a beloved (but flawed) Osterizer for those. I would also LOVE to make my own nut butters. My food processor is just not powerful enough to get the nuts to the creamy consistency I would like. I think I’d also enjoy making soups, as I’m not big on super hot soup. Homemade dressings… it’s hard to find anything vegan in a bottle that actually tastes good. I’ve been yearning for a Vitamix or Blendtec for quite some time now! 🙂
I’d promptly stop picking up my current blender and shaking it in order to make the darn thing blend, and then I’d whip up huge peach & pumpkin smoothie and chill with it in the sun.
I have the cheapest and lamest blender there is. When I first got it, I couldn’t wait to make green drinks, but since it never blended well, I gave up. I’d love to also make juices so I can get my fruits and veggies in quickly! I know I’d be more creative in the kitchen if I had a fancy blender like that!
I’d blend my iPad or maybe a gremlin (lol, just kidding). But really I would love to make soups and homeade pasta sauces. And ice cream, LOTS of ice cream. The high today here was 100!
I think if I got one I would move to a 90% liquid diet. Smoothies and pureed fruits and veggies for meals and snacks!
I would most definitely use this to make smoothies that enhance the untasty rice protein powder shakes that I begrudgingly gulp down twice a day.
This would make making things homemade so much easier! I’d go smoothie crazy. I like the thought of knowing exactly what goes into my food 🙂
Oh. My. I have been drooling over the WildSide since the day they released it! It’s HUGE!
Honestly the first thing I would make would be homemade salsa – because I’m lazy and always get storebought but this year I am growing my own tomatoes. I’d even use my own scallions in it that I am also trying to grow in my starter garden.
Additionally I’ve never had gazpacho – that’s something else I’d make in the Wildside with my homegrown tomatoes. 🙂
It would definitely be used for post workout smoothies! Our current blender requires you to shake it while blending to get it to mix everything up. That can be a little dangerous.
Wow, it looks amazing! 100x better than my current blender. I have put it through so much I feel it is going to die on me any time! If I got the blendtec I would make all kinds of green smoothies, banana ice cream and my own almond butter!
My husband and I would use this for all sorts of things… to mix our morning Vega shakes, to make green smoothies, to make nut butters, to make soup… what CAN’T you do with this blender? I hope we win!
Thanks for your honest review, I really appreciate you doing the good and the bad.
I would love to make my own coconut ice cream and make my own coconut butter because it’s expensive!!
What wouldn’t I do. This thing do everything!!! Here’s to hoping I win this 🙂
My husband and i are currently making smoothies everymorning in our black and decker blender and i think its starting to fall apart. haha it makes crazy noises and does not blend very well at all…. we are wanting to be able to have ab lender taht we can use for everything. And this would be the most perfect thing every meal we want to make!! 🙂 Thanks for the great website!!
The one-egg waffle sound delicious and simple.
I would make so many things with one of these. I would be making smoothies and whole fruit juice everyday. Would love to try making ice cream and almond butter too.
I would love one of these blenders! I make smoothies almost daily and am always frustrated with the air pocket my blender creates. How nice to be able to create nut butters and soups too.
I’d definitely use it to make juice. I just saw “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead,” and although I’m not a fan of “cleanses,” I am a fan of the fruit/vegetable juices that play a key role in the documentary! Plus, I’m an unemployed recent college graduate (bad job market, grumble grumble) and I’ve just started to learn to cook in my under-supplied kitchen… Because of my lack of proper tools, I end up avoiding a lot of recipes. This could help!
Smoothies. I would try all kinds of new smoothies. I love having a smoothie for breakfast. And I want to make my own nut butter so much.
Thanks for this posting. I’ve never heard of the Blendtec before and have been pining for a Vitamix for months. Now I’ll be pining for a Blendtec instead. Perused the ice-cream recipes on the site and would love to try making ice-cream with coconut milk. Would also love to start juicing regularly since we have incredible produce this summer. Thanks again for sharing this!
I would love to win! I would use it for my daily green shakes and know for certain that my hubby would start drinking them as well if he didn’t see all of the specs of spinach and kale my current blender leaves behind.
I would whip up my famous “Everything but the kitchen sink” Garden vegetable soup followed by some choc rasberry sorbet Yum-dilly-ish
I must confess I already own a Blendtec but can a girl ever have too many! I seriously take mine on vacation with me! It would be great to have an extra one so that I could take it to work with me and make FABULOUS smoothies for all of my co-workers!!! One of my favorite recipes for smoothies is: 6 oz yogurt (my favorite is lime)
small banana
1 crystal light packet (my favorite is peach/mango)
put ice in a 2 cup measuring cup and then fill with water to the 2 cup mark
Blend and enjoy!!!
You can combine ANY flavors that you like!
I would gratefully guzzle green shakes free of kale chunks if I had a Blendtec. Hubby says he won’t buy me a blender with more horsepower than my car…maybe I can win one!
I have grown to love veggie juices and it is a key way I try to get my veg in (I am not so good on the whole eating vegs thing) but a juicer is a pain, buying them in NYC is EXPENSIVE and I would love to get a bit of the veg fiber as well.
So I would use this to make smoothies (Green Monsters) and veg juices because my little cuisinart blender combo thing I got for my tiny NYC flat- well it was a green smoothie fail on the first try… 🙂
I loooove almond butter. It would be really nice to be able to make my own. And green smoothies!
I love green smoothies. I have them every day. Right now I just have a cheapo one from Target. So I would love to have a high powered one!! One thing that i have not tried was making my own almond milk. My husband and I are both dairy free and enjoy almond milk, so it would be nice to try homeade. thanks for the contest! 🙂
I’ll make juice!
I have been wanting one of theses so badly!
I want one soooo bad!!!
Love the Blendtec – my roommate had one and I miss it so much!!!
Oh man, this blender looks awesome! I would use it for SO much! I would start with my green smoothies in the AM. I am currently using a $40 blender that leaves whole spinach leaves and berries in my drinks after having blended for a full min. I would also use it to make almond butter and almond milk! I live in South Korea and these two items cannot be found here, however raw fresh almonds can be! I have tried to make both in my current crappy blender and the results were less then passable. I would also be able to juice things!! I can only puree at the moment and I would love to explore the world of juicing further! Not only that but as a Health Coach I am always on the look out for new and healthy recipes to pass onto my clients, but currently I don’t have the ability to try them out first! With this blender I could try out and create a whole bunch of recipes for my clients to try!
I would make gazpacho! and probably use it for some food processing needs since I don’t currently have one.
I would definitely start making Green Monster’s more often if I had this amazing blender!! I really hate my current blender because it leaves bits of spinach in my smoothie…
I have a weakness for almond butter and I’d be so excited to be able to make my own! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway 🙂
I have been dreaming about owning a Blendtec for awhile….. In my dreams I am making all kinds of things. Smoothies, soup and so much more. I know that this is something that I would use a lot for me and my family. Thanks for the giveaway
I have been eyeing these since I first heard about them. I eat a ton of almond butter, almond milk, smoothies, etc. So, I’m pretty sure I would make all of the above and then some 🙂
What luck! I’ve been lusting over this blender for a month now, after having first watched all the videos on their website with my jaw firmly planted on the ground. The first thing I’d make? Good use of my The Vegan Scoop cookbook. It doesn’t even matter what recipe. I’m just going to open up the book and let my new Blendtec do the rest!
I would love to have this blender to make so many things! Almond butter, cashew butter, peanut butter, raw food desserts, dinners, vegan burgers, soups, baby food. It would be wonderful. I live in a small town in Thailand where convenient health food is just not a thing. Everything has to be made from scratch. A great blender would make it so much easier!
Mmmm, I would make ice cream with coconut milk and almond butter all the time! Yum, yum, yum!
I am a winner! After inhaling burning poison ivy and losing 70% of my lung capacity I have fought back to regain my health. I am now 2yrs off prednisone after a one time high dose of 600mg/day. It has caused huge weight gain and have been told I will develop diabetes as a side effect. I am determined not to. I am determined to run again, even if I must start by just limping along. I am a winner.
I would be using it everyday to make green juice in the morning and afternoon for myself and 3 boys, even my husband if he will drink it. Also a healthier form of ice cream and shakes for the family. Homemade soups that I other wise wouldn’t be able to. I am trying to get my family’s health back on track. We kind of fell off the road for a while and were eating nothing but junk. My boys are young and I want to get them back on track to healt
I have to win this for my sis–she’s expecting in the fall and this would be great to make baby food!