This, That, and the Big News!
Whoa, way late on the post today! For that I apologize; I had to pick up some shirts from the printer and get them shipped off. (And that means more women’s mediums and smalls are available now!) But Erin and I also did something far more exciting, which I’ll save for last today.
This (food)
I cooked two fun things this weekend, both of which I’m hesitant to call “recipes” because of their simplicity. The first is twice-grilled peppers with fresh mozzarella; I saw it in Bobby Flay’s Grilling For Life
(an awesome book, made only slightly less awesome by the fact that I don’t eat meat anymore). The recipe is really simple, colorful, and definitely delicious.
To do it, just take nine bell peppers, brush them with oil and sprinkle a little salt and pepper on them. Grill on high for about 12 minutes, turning every few minutes so that all sides get charred. Then let the peppers sit in a bowl, covered with plastic wrap, for 15 minutes. Remove the seeds and peel the skins (don’t rinse, you’ll wash away all the juicy goodness), then cut into small strips, season with oil, salt and pepper again, and grill once more for two minutes per side. Serve layered with about a pound of sliced mozzaralla, and topped with the dressing of your choice. We used a caper-basil vinaigrette from the same book.
One problem: it’s not really a meal, and I attempted to pass it off as one. Consider Erin not fooled. Next time, I’ll serve it as an antipasto. Another problem: the peppers were much prettier before they were grilled and sliced.
The other fun thing we made was okra. We found some at the farmers market, and what better reason is there to buy okra than never having tried it before? The lady who sold it to me (a farmer, I suppose) said to just slice it into little chunks, toss with some corn meal and salt and pepper (it sticks because the okra releases a tacky liquid when it’s sliced), and saute in some nice hot olive oil for four or five minutes. Southern cooking fit for the heat wave we’ve been “enjoying.”
The result: okra is okray with me! No mind-blowing flavor explosion or anything, but what’s not good when it’s sauteed in oil, salt, pepper, and cornmeal? If you’ve never tried okra, do it! One less thing to regret on your deathbed. Anyone know any other okra recipes?
That (running)
I’m a few days behind on my training schedule (six weeks left!), so I did an 11-mile run yesterday, and my long run (15 miles) is scheduled for tomorrow. Funny how 11 miles isn’t the long run anymore, huh?
Anyway, after the one-mile warmup, the remaining 10 miles were to be done at 7:15 per-mile, exactly the pace I need to qualify for Boston. I’ll be honest, I was a little nervous going into this run. Not because I thought I couldn’t do it, but because I knew that on the off-chance that I did have trouble with it, I’d freak out. After all, in 41 days I’ll have to hold this pace for 26.2 miles!
Fortunately, I had one of my best runs to date. I cruised along without any issues at all, and relatively comfortably I finished the run in 1:11:40, for an average pace of 7:10. Go me! Don’t get me wrong, thinking about running 26.2 at this pace still leaves me with the need for a clean pair of shorts, but at least I managed what the program asked for without a problem.
The Big News!
Ok, here goes…the appointment that Erin and I had this morning was to get an ultrasound (or sonogram?).
Erin is pregnant! We saw our baby’s little heartbeat this morning!
Erin and I have been sitting on this little secret for about a week and a half now, and we’ve been bursting at the seams to let it out. The secret, not the baby. She’s only six weeks along, but we’ve decided that we’re ready to share the news with everyone. I know that the first trimester is risky, but god forbid anything should happen, we both agree that we’d rather have our friends know what’s going on than have to pretend like nothing’s wrong.
So there you go, the cat is out of the bag! We are so excited, and only a little scared about the fact that I won’t be finished with my Ph.D. by the time the baby arrives next Spring. Oops! No toys for baby, I guess!
Of course I’m kidding. We’ll figure out what needs to happen, whether that means switching to part-time school or somehow managing to stay full-time. But for the time being that’s an afterthought; right now we are enjoying the thrill of knowing that in less than eight months, we’re going to be proud parents!
Jokes that have already been made include:
- “When are the No Meat Athlete-in-Training onesies going to come out? ‘Crawls on Plants’?”
- “Can’t wait to get some NMA-approved baby food recipes.”
Please feel free to add your own. 🙂
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Ah look, now you’ve made me cry! Congratulations! I am very pleased for you…
And the peppers look awesome. I’m also very interested in that dressing…
First of all, those peppers look amazing.
Secondly, congratulations! Hopefully the next 8 months will go smoothly for Erin (and you, of course).
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Reminder…and Good News =-.
Congrats!! That is such amazing news for you both! Enjoy every minute of it!
That is so freaking exciting! Congratulations!
I may have to steal this line: “thinking about running 26.2 at this pace still leaves me with the need for a clean pair of shorts…” Congrats on hitting your goal pace on the run. I know how you feel, I’m nervous about all of my runs these days.
Congratulations! Very sweet to see your excitement!
congratulations to both of you!!!! That’s so exciting 🙂
.-= brandi´s last blog ..Empty the Fridge =-.
First: Peppers looking Amazing and delish. Second: I just tried Okra for the first time last week too and loved it. Have actually just been eating it raw in salads. I pretty much like any veggie though (except beets!).
And third, and MOST importantly, a very big CONGRATS to you and Erin! Such a happy time for the two of you. Enjoy every minute. You two will no doubt be great parents and role models for baby no meat athlete. Again, congrats on the great news!
YAY! Congratulations! How exciting for you both 🙂
Congratulations!! That is so exciting. If she has pregnancy related nutrition questions send her my way 🙂
.-= Eve´s last blog ..Fettuccine Carbonara =-.
Congratulations!! Have you two picked out a running stroller already? 😉 Enjoy this time and I can’t wait to read all about it!
.-= katherine´s last blog ..Weekly Workout Recap 8/17 – 8/23 =-.
Congratulations! I definitely did NOT guess that one was coming! What amazingly incredible and exciting news! A momentus day in blog-world!
I’m trying to think of something witty and awesome…um, a babygro emblazoned with “No Meat Little Feet” – that’s a winner.
Congratulations! That’s awesome news! I’m officially jealous!
Oh, and the peppers look yummy; now that I’ve finally gotten a new tank of propane I’ll have to give that a try. Same w/the Okra.
.-= Blaine Moore´s last blog ..2009 Weekly Back Cove Race Series » Weeks 13-15 =-.
CONGRATULATIONS! I’m looking forward to seeing updates! Those peppers look delicious by the way!
Hey congratulations! What great news.
oh CONGRATS TO YOU!! wahoo, great news!
.-= janetha´s last blog ..rain, rain go away. =-.
(This) That pepper dish looks great! Other use for Okra – you can look up a gumbo recipe and just not put in any meat. Okra is GREAT in gumbo served over rice.
(That) You rock! I could not sustain that pace for 2 miles.
(Big News) That is big news! Cooking, running, making babies…what don’t you do! Hahaha.
.-= Madison´s last blog ..Day 8 – Monday =-.
Congratulations!!! That is big news!
.-= Runeatrepeat´s last blog ..Everyone has bad runs =-.
that is amazing!!!! congrats in a huge way!
so happy for you both!
.-= alex @ happygolucky´s last blog ..not all hope is lost… =-.
First CONGRATS on the baby! that is the most exciting news ever! so exciting!
and second, those peppers look to die for. as a lover of peppers i for sure need to try this out!
.-= Lizzy´s last blog ..the countdown begins =-.
*gasp* that is such awesome news! yippey! In 8 months you will have the most adorable cooing advertisement for NMA!!!
Congrats to you and Erin!
.-= Annabel @ http://www.FeedMeImCranky.com´s last blog ..Living Life with Actionable Purpose =-.
oh how i miss my grill… CONGRATS to you two 🙂
.-= ttfn300´s last blog ..Backlogged =-.
SO glad you were finally able to share the news w/ the blog universe:) I promise not to sneak the baby any meat when I babysit but I can’t promise not to spoil the baby…that’s what aunts are for, right???
I can’t think of any other “jokes” but I do think the onesies are a must…how soon can we take the baby for running shoes? Yours has a good chance of running before walking:) Love you guys!!
oh my gosh congratsssssssssss! How exciting! You two rock! awww! Can’t wiat to hear more as you move through the pregnancy!
Those peppers look INCREDIBLE! We have been without a grill since we moved and are about to purchase one- I can’ t wait!
Great job on the run!
.-= Erica´s last blog ..POMx Iced Coffee, Sunday =-.
OK, I’m not gonna lie. I scrolled straight to the “Big News” part and now I’m way too excited to go back and read before I comment!!
CONGRATULATIONS to you both! Seeing the heart beat is so reassuring that all is well with your little bean in there. Sending tons of e-hugs your way and wishing you BOTH a happy and healthy 9 months!
.-= Alison´s last blog ..Stay at Home Yoga =-.
Congrats! What happy amazing news for you two 🙂 My hubs and I are trying right now as well, so I’ll be anxious to hear all about her progress. Will she be continuing with a vegetarian pregnanacy? I fully plan on eating vegan and raising veg kiddos as well so I’m curious what you guys are planning 🙂 So happy for you!
CONGRATS!!!!! that is so so so exciting 🙂
.-= aron´s last blog ..adventures in running =-.
Hi there! Congrats on your big news!! That’s fantastic 🙂
I ordered one of your shirts, and received it in the mail today!! Thank you! 🙂 I love it, and I can’t wait to wear it.
I have a couple of questions. I am a collegiate runner, and I strive to fuel my body with the most wholesome foods possible. I am tossing around the idea of becoming a vegetarian. I’ve actually looked into the Thrive stuff, and it looks very appealing. However, do you find it’s tough? What are your thoughts?
Also…I am actually a ‘newbie’ in the running world. Last year as a collegiate sophomore, I decided to run. I’m actually pretty decent. I’ve recently upped my mileage (and ran my first half this summer)…and I’ve gained weight! Ugh..I used to feel fast, and now I feel slow and sluggish. Is this just a silly mental block? (I technically needed to put on a bit of weight, so it’s weclome, I just want to perform at my peak…will the additional pounds affect me too badly?)
How do you refuel and satisfy the hunger that accompanies your long distances? To put my physical exercise into perspective, I currently run about 40-50 miles a week, as well as spin 4-5 days a week. I try to squeeze in lifting, Pilates, and core work also. After all of this, my hunger is uncontrollable! (and hence, I’ve gained about 10 pounds) Help.
*feel free to email me….this was a long post
In good health,
Congratulations, that is so exciting! I hope the next 8 months will be smooth for both of you and the baby.
I love slimy okra! 😀 I eat them raw whenever I get my hands on fresh, organic ones. For regular okra, I add them to veggie omelettes.
Wonderful, wonderful news! The world needs a baby vegan. =) Congratulations to you both!!
Congratulations about your little NMA-bun-in-the-oven!
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Madeline, the beginning of a Franco-American love affair =-.
Congrats on the little-one-to-be!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Mind reader =-.
Yay! Congrats! I’ve been MIA from the blog world for the last week or so, but I’m glad that my first comment back was on this post 🙂
.-= Megan (The Runner’s Kitchen)´s last blog ..Eat Like a Triathlete =-.
Congratulations and cheers!
My hubby makes Okra Hash Browns but he won’t share his recipe ; )
.-= kara´s last blog ..Quotes That Heal =-.
Awesome news! Congrats!
Wait a minute. When is that baby due? If you guys are six weeks pregnant now, wouldn’t the due date be around April 19?
.-= Pete´s last blog ..Sunday at the Track =-.
CONGRATS to both of you! 🙂 very exciting news. baby better wait til, about april 21st though. you might need a day to recover so you can give erin + baby nma your full attention!
Everyone, thank you so much for sharing in our excitement. Erin and I have found that everyone is so genuinely happy when we tell them the news and that has been wonderful. And thanks to those of you who offered nutritional help; I’m sure there will be some questions!
Shay- I’ll send you an email about your running questions. Glad you like the shirt!
Amy- Yes, Erin’s going to stay vegetarian for the pregnancy. The doctor is concerned about how she’ll get iron, but I know there are lots of ways to do it without meat.
Pete- Someone noticed! The “official” due date right now is exactly April 19; how crazy is that? I’ll bring this up on the blog soon. The date will change as the pregnancy goes on so I’ll have to play it by ear. Still, the qualifying is the goal that I’m after. And it lasts for two years, so I could always defer until 2011 if I do qualify and the due date doesn’t move to more convenient time for Dad.
I was all ready to post comments about the food and how pretty everything looked…forget that. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What wonderful news. You’ll have to keep us updated on this journey.
Wonderful news, I am so happy for the two of you!
Awesome news! Congratulations to you both!
And here I was going to comment on the okra until reading the big news! 😀
A big CONGRATS to you both!! That’s such great news! 😀
.-= Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down)´s last blog ..Bring on the waffles! =-.
Congrats congrats congrats I’m so excited to be an aunt!
RE the okra: my Indian cookbook has a couple recipes, I guess it’s popular over there. One that looks yummy is Okra with green mango and lentils.
The other recipes are okra in yogurt, prawns/tempeh 🙂 with okra, and spice stuffed okra. I’ll email you them if you want!
mattttt….congratulations! that is sooo exciting – i literally read the exciting news first, then went back to the rest of the post. i can’t wait for all the happiness and fun that is in store for you – much love to you and erin!!!
.-= holly the healthy everythingtarian´s last blog ..I Know We’ve Come So Far (But We Got So Far to Go) =-.
Congrats! Exciting news! That is going to be one healthy baby 🙂
.-= Allyson´s last blog ..A Crazed Lunatic =-.
Congratulations on the news! very exciting time you are entering 🙂
okra raw is great, too! (not too ripe/tough, though.). i love to just wash and eat!
The peppers look incredibly delicious bursting with colors!! Also, thanks for that simple okra recipe. I had not eaten okra EVER in my entire life until this year. The first time I tried it was in a Jamaican style escovitch fish. It was pretty tasty! Anyway, thanks for sharing all this info and CONGRATULATIONS to you and Erin!!
Congrats to you both! Please keep us updated on Erin’s progress!