The First 10 Days of the No Meat Athlete Book Tour
Wow, what a week! It’s been 10 days since I started my book tour, and I’ve had two events each in Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, and Ohio, plus Boston and New York City.
If all that weren’t enough for 10 days, I took a two-day “break” to run the RAGNAR Relay in DC on an ultra team … which meant running 40 miles of our team’s 200 total. In 90-degree heat. From a smelly, crowded, always-moving van. Over the course of 28 hours. Fun times!
Actually RAGNAR was a lot of fun, even if doing it in the middle of the book tour wasn’t my best idea ever — see Doug’s RAGNAR recap if you’re interested in more about how our team did and Doug’s do’s and don’ts.
The No Meat Athlete RAGNAR DC team. 28 hours, 199 miles, 1 seriously disgusting van.
Being on the road has been fun, too. I’ve met so many great people and longtime fans of No Meat Athlete, and every event feels just like hanging out with friends — exactly what I had anticipated, and the reason I wanted to do a book tour in the first place. It’s been especially awesome to see, in the flesh, people who have made major changes in the past few years as a result of this lifestyle — Wendy, Tom, Shane, and Greg (who paced me for the last 35 miles of my 100 this summer), for example.
At Life Alive Cafe in Boston, with Tom Giammalvo and his cousin Mike.
What I was unprepared for is how little time there would be for anything else. Mornings are an hour or two of writing, email, or running with a friend, then it’s into the car to drive to the next city, and soon enough it’s time to do the event, grab some food or a drink with people I’ve met, then to bed to do it all again.
Even getting up a blog post is tough, but being on tour has generated lots of new ideas for when I do have time — eating vegan while traveling, for example, has reached a whole new level of challenging, and how I’m managing (quite well, thanks) will be the subject of an upcoming blog post.
At Park + Vine in Cincinnati, with Susie Crossland-Dwyer, owner of Studio S fitness center.
NMA Around the Internets!
With all of this going on, it’s been hard to properly share the many interviews, book reviews, recipes, and book giveaways that people have graciously published since my book has come out. In these days when I can’t write quite as frequently as I’d like, there’s plenty of me all over the internet, so please check these out!
- Rich Roll Podcast
- Our Hen House Podcast
- Oh She Glows — review and buffalo hummus recipe
- Plant Powered Kitchen — review and MoMo granola bars recipe
- A Life Less Bullshit — How to Switch to a Plant-Based Diet
- Self.com — Can Athletes Really Go Vegetarian?
- Karol Gajda — On Challenges
- No Meat Athlete Dorm Giveaway from Body Mind Beauty Health
- Healthynomics Podcast (with giveaway)
- Spark People Radio
- Fit Approach — Ultra Awesome interview
- Healthy Tipping Point — review and giveaway
- Strength Running — video interview
- Rock Creek Runner interview
- In Love and Peanut Butter interview
- One Whole Step Podcast
- The Washington Times Communities — ‘Runners World and No Meat Athlete’ Release Cookbooks for Runners
- YumUniverse giveaway and recipe
Signing books in NYC after a run in Central Park. Photo courtesy Ben Ko.
Amazon Update, and the FINAL Chance to Get Bonuses
Something of a fiasco occurred last week with Amazon — if you had pre-ordered my book there, you likely got an email from them last week saying the book would not be delivered until November or December. That was due to a stock error, which has now been fixed, and as of today, Amazon finally says “In stock”!
Thanks for your patience — believe me, this mix-up has been incredibly frustrating for me, too. Nothing has pained me more on this tour than when a loyal reader who has pre-ordered the book can’t get it signed at an event because it hasn’t arrived yet.
Last week I had planned to announce an extension of my pre-order offer for just a few days, to say thanks for all the support. But to avoid further confusion during the fiasco, I’ve kept quiet until the issue was resolved. Which is now.
So here’s the deal, one last time: Buy or order the book by the end of the day tomorrow — that’s Friday, October 11 — and forward me a copy of your receipt ([email protected]). To say thanks for being an early-adopter, I’ll send you 6 great bonuses, three of which are ready now, the other three of which are in the works. (And if you’ve already ordered and sent me your receipt, thanks — look for an email today about the bonuses.)
Click here to learn more about what I think is a pretty incredible package of stuff!
One more from Park + Vine in Cincinnati.
And thanks, once more, for helping this book do as well as it has these first few days. We’re reaching so many new people with this message as a result, and I know a lot of good will eventually come of that.
Hope to meet you at an event soon!
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Congrats on Ragnar and all the success with the book! Not sure if you’re aware, indigo.ca is showing my order as awaiting shipment and out of stock on their site. Not sure if there is an issue there. Thanks again and can’t wait to get my copy.
Just wanted to say the preorders from indigo.ca are apparently on their way now. Can’t wait to read it!
What a whirl wind!? It sounds so glamorous and exciting though. Congrats.
I really wish you could/would come to Sacramento/Folsom area. We’re two hours from SF though. 🙁 Hopefully next time. Glad to hear the mix up with the stock is being fixed. I ordered my book from my local small town book shop and they have no idea when it will be coming in….maybe now they do! 🙂
I can’t begin to imagine what a whirlwind the past 10 days have been for you! Crazy that you added RAGNAR in to the middle of your book tour, I don’t know how you do it!
Congrats again Matt, you definitely deserve it!
When is the European tour? :-). Congrats Matt! Well deserved!
just started reading your book on my kindle and can’t put it down. i’m not completely vegeterian yet (still eating fish here and there 🙁 ) but i’m thinking that it’ll be a lot easier to be one after reading your book. thanks very much for helping so many people with your experience and message.
So upset I missed you in NYC!!! Had no idea you would be here! Well, I guess there will always be next time with your next book….?
Still waiting for your book to arrive, probably this week!
Hey Matt,
I’m 15, recently turned vegan and food-obsessed triathlete.
I love reading your blog while pretending do do homework. 🙂
It surprised me that I couldn’t find anything about GMOs. I think it would be really great if you could do an article on that topic. As most people on here are health-conscious I think being vegan and GMO-free goes hand-in-hand.
The genetic engineering industry is way too powerful and dangerous and it needs to stop before stuff gets even more out of hand. So, Matt,please check out about GMOs and Monsanto and write a nice long post to make us all aware!!
Someone just turned me on to your blog and also “Cooking With Mr. C.” on Facebook (also a blog). I’m so excited to look through your blog. Denise
Hi Matt,
I very much enjoy your blog. Congratulations of Ragnar. I completed the Wasatch Back Ragnar in 2011 and it was quite an experience…the best part for me was running, the worst part was the sitting in the van between stops and sleeping. But it was an adventure!
I started a goal 59 days ago to run every day from my 39th birthday (last August) to my 40th (next year) and blog along the way. But to make it more fun I take a photo each run of something beautiful, interesting, inspirational or funny that catches my eye and that is the focus of my blog.
I wanted to share it with you, though I know you are crazy busy with the book tour! http://running39to40.blogspot.com/
Can’t wait to pick up a copy of your book!
Peace, ~ Celeste