7 Plant-Based Foods

Worth Eating Every. Single. Day.

(and how to make sure you actually do it)

1. Berries

Their vibrant color hints at the powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents inside.

2. Nuts & Seeds

Just one-quarter cup per day has been shown to increase lifespan by two years!

3. Leafy Greens & Cruciferous Vegetables

The most nutrient-dense of all foods — low in calories, packed with vitamins and minerals.

4. Onions

Just a half cup a day has been shown to dramatically reduce the incidence of several types of cancer.

5. Beans

The American Institute for Cancer Research has suggested eating beans in every meal for maximum protection. (Yes, hummus counts!)

6. Turmeric

Contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that can help with everything from workout recovery to cancer prevention. Eat with black pepper for maximum absorption.

7. Green Tea

Contains loads of antioxidants and powerful phytochemicals that are exclusive to the tea bush to help prevent cancer.